(The opinions expressed in guest op-eds are those of the writer and do not necessarily represent the views of RedState.com.)
Monday’s raid on Mar-A-Lago is not the first time in this nation’s history that the FBI has been involved in using its law enforcement authority to benefit the political party in power. J. Edgar Hoover has used the FBI’s offices for political intelligence reports. These were then given to President Trump. It didn’t matter if a Republican or Democrat was involved; Hoover misused the power of his position to benefit the President so that the FBI had a wider scope and budget.
The misuse of FBI power was made public after Hoover’s death. Congress received the support of the citizens to reform the corrupt bureaucracy. Unfortunately, fifty years after Hoover’s death, the FBI still holds onto its image of being a political hatchetman serving the president. Many now have legitimate concerns about the integrity of our nation’s top law enforcement agency.
Official details regarding the FBI raid’s origins are not available at this point. One Trump lawyer, who was initially allowed to see the warrant, said that it related to the Presidential Records Act. That attorney, Christina Robb, said the agents were also “looking for classified documents, evidence of a crime as far as classified documents go.” However, the FBI never raided Hillary Clinton’s home after it was confirmed that she had classified documents on a personal server. The FBI’s reputation is being tarnished by this unjust execution of the law.
Robb claimed that Robb had sealed the affidavit used for probable cause. This makes it unclear as to what led to Robb’s raid. One possibility is that an ex-president was persuaded by a bureaucrat from the National Archives to give him documents that were still his. This is an issue with bureaucracy. In the Republic of the United States, there is supposed to be checks on the government and people are listened to.
The current bureaucracy seeks to gain more power by staying in the DNC’s good graces, just as J. Edgar Hoover gave special favors to presidents that he worked with to expand the FBI. While justice should be blinded, when people see examples of unjust law application, such hypocrisy will be resisted.
The FBI was created by Congress. Congress can reorganize or modify the FBI as well as disband it. There is no requirement in the United States Constitution that the nation has an FBI. One argument that could be used to argue against an FBI is the Tenth Amendment, which gives the state police the authority to regulate the general health and safety of the citizens.
In November, the United States’ citizens will have an opportunity to vote. The Republicans will control the Senate and the House of Representatives if the majority voice their dissatisfaction at Joe Biden’s leadership. Republicans should investigate the FBI’s political abuses with strong majority support in both the House and Senate.
We don’t yet know the results of these investigations, but we can assume there will be changes to the FBI structure and authority. Over the past 10 years, the FBI has become far too politicized for American comfort. The FBI crossed the Rubicon on Monday.
Mark Meuser is a Dhillon Law Group Constitutional Attorney and the Republican candidate to the U.S. Senate from California.