The Collected Wisdom of MSNBC Host Tiffany Cross

If you want to know what passes for contemporary leftist thought, consider tuning in—if you dare—to Tiffany Cross’s MSNBC show on Saturday mornings. A good sample of Cross’s “wisdom” was on full display this Saturday


Cross was skeptical that America would survive the Civil War as a republic.The USA was built on stolen land and labor. History of the entire world (including the pre-Columbian Americas) is one of slavery and conquest. The US has made the greatest efforts to provide the highest quality life, liberty and pursuit of happiness.

— She was open to the idea: “Yeah, yes!” with Malcolm Nance’s America—love it or leave it!, suggestion for Trump supporters: Russia has plenty of space Ironically, Cross herself expressed the desire to ditch America. Cross asked the astrophysicist to tell her if he knew of any other planet that could support life. We are currently planning our escape from this country..” Cross was probably joking about Cross’s idea of running to a distant planet, but her negative view of America makes it so compelling that she wants to escape. Tiffany, Canada is not far enough away?

Cross stated that affirmative action’s biggest beneficiaries are white women. Can Cross possibly believe that, when one study, among other similar ones, found that These elite schools may accept black students who had SAT scores of 1600 that are 310 points lower than a middle-class white applicant. 

Cross worried about the consequences of what she saw as a civil war, because Cross was afraid that it would “take to the streets.”The other side is much more well-armed than the rest. Remind us: who rioted, looted, and burned in the streets, largely with impunity, post-George Floyd?

Cross stated that Mike Pence was punished for doing something good, and that he confirmed the results of the election. This proves that there is no such thing as a nice deed. It’s absurd to refer him as a hero.

Cross stated that she will continue her slimming campaign against Herschel Wade. RepublicansThey will make an idiot and place him in the Senate if they can.

And, in the final act of wisdom Cross stated that white supremacy was a more formidable foe than the. . . Hitler! Black soldiers joined the Army . . it was easier to subdue white supremacy than Hitler’s own army.That’s what we still experience in this country.

On her MSNBC show, the collective “wisdom” of Tiffany Cross was sponsored in part by Subway, Procter & Gamble, maker of Gain and Febreze, SoFi, Colonial Penn, and Wayfair.

You can find the transcription here.

Cross Connection
10:00 am

TIFFANY CROOSS: It is a question we must ask ourselves, can this democracy still survive. According to a Yahoo News survey, the answer is no. But, perhaps When you create a country on stolen land and with stolen labor it is not going to work out well. 

. . . 

MALCOLM ANC: It’s obvious that you know better. Take a look at your heart and see if it’s a real American.You believe in the oath and in this nation. Or you could say: Russia is full of possibilities.

CROSS: Yeah! Yeah.

NANCE: Their participation in America is nothing to do. 245 Years of Democracy We’ve Had They’d rather have those 245+ years gone.

CROSS: — Yeah. 

NANCE — And impose dictatorship. It’s King Donald I.

CROSS A democracies already in crisis for many usYes, that is what I believe. 

. . . 

Acceptative Action Who is the largest beneficiary of affirmative action, do you not know? These women are predominantly white. 

. . . 

It is often taken out to the streets by one of its sides. It is possible that we will see a lot more political violence, as we did on January 6, when we consider the state legislatures, which aren’t as well protected than the US Capitol. 

. . . 

It is my opinion He is absurdly irresponsible to be called. [Mike Pence]A hero.This is my job. I host the show each Saturday. It’s not my job to be a hero. Mike Pence does not deserve to be a hero because he did his job. To be completely honest, it’s absurd. 

. . . 

The question is one that I believe we want to answer because we are looking at these images. It’s amazing to realize how many galaxies we are seeing and the stars they contain. So it’s absurd to think that there is only one life on this planet. You have to find someone else. If there’s someone else, If you have information about a secret planet you want to keep private, please let me know. This is because we are planning our escape in this country.You can trust me.

. . .

Instead, the lieutenant governor for Florida was in Georgia. He was asked whether he would vote for Herschel. He added, “I support strongly a Republican to represent Georgia in Senate.” They don’t even care. They’ll take an idiot and turn him into a puppet and place him in the Senate. We find this dangerous.

. . .

Your point regarding um, your great-grandfather, who served this nation: A lot of black soldiers joined the Army.In the hope that they would be respected in their country, It was found that white supremacy is more difficult than Hitler’s army to overthrow. This is the part we still experience in this country.         

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