The Chickens of the Collective Psychosis of COVID Hysteria Come Home to Roost – Opinion

News from Vermont shows a grim picture of how dangerous the COVID hysteria collective psychosis is. This phenomenon seems to be confined to heavily Democrat regions.

People have been unable to see the truth for years due to fearmongering in the media and government. That’s now playing out in the form of completely asymptomatic individuals rushing to jam up emergency rooms in Vermont. Though, as we’ll see, this is hardly limited to the Green Mountain State.

Some Vermonters can find antibodies and test positive, which is a problem in emergency rooms.

A large number of asymptomatic patients have overwhelmed the Rutland Regional Hospital’s emergency room.

Dr. Rick Hildebrant is RRMC’s medical director. According to him, some individuals who have a positive rapid test will go to an emergency room for a PCR testing.

The Vermont Hospital Association says it’s hearing similar stories from other parts of the state…

…“It’s not so much the beds that are the precious resource, it’s the staff at this time. So we have to have some of our clinical staff providing care to those people and they can’t provide care to the folks in the ER,” Hildebrant explained.

This isn’t the overwhelming of hospitals we were promised by the left. Rather, it’s the exact opposite, with people who aren’t even sick showing up to take resources away because they’ve been convinced that COVID is still highly deadly for 45-year-olds in good health. Even if they are symptomatic, older adults should not go to the ER. Instead, they should continue living their lives. They don’t have to be sick.

But, the Democrats’ foolish move to instill fear and anxiety around COVID have pushed large segments of the population into what is only called mental illness. Get a load of these responses I chronicled a few days ago and tell me we don’t have a problem on our hands.

In New York City’s blue bastion, police have to call in due to people robberizing COVID testing centres. Why they are doing so is anyone’s guess.

I’m going to make a generalized statement that may not be true in every single case but is certainly true in most cases: If you are healthy enough to go join a mob of people begging for free COVID tests, then you are healthy enough to not need a COVID test. Testing for mild and asymptomatic cases of coronavirus is not a legitimate goal. And how many people who weren’t even infected are now infected for interacting with that crowd?

This stuff needs to stop, and it’s not going to stop until Democrats from the president on down start telling the truth about the risks of COVID for different demographics. Take another look at that picture in the Post’s article. Many look younger than 50. None of these individuals appear to suffer from any serious illness. They act as though they’re giving out gold bars. It’s insanity and completely unnecessary.

Finally, Omicron’s mild nature makes it an especially dumb move to try and get tested quickly if you don’t show any symptoms. However, tests will be sent directly to the homes by the White House. What’s that going to do to emergency rooms, when a rush of “positive” tests starts happening and people freak out?

This was all preventable. However, it requires leaders with real leadership abilities to lead instead of just cowardice who are only interested in covering their backsides. The hysteria will not stop. It’s too important to the left’s cause.

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