This episode of The Left’s Insidious Crusade to Destroy America as We Know It…
All versions of the Bible and an illustrated version of Anne Frank’s diary have been pulled from shelves by a school district in the Dallas-Forth Worth area. According to the Dallas Morning News,On Tuesday morning, Keller Independent School District sent an email to principals requesting the book’s removal.
Jennifer Price, the district’s curriculum director, sent principals a set of instructions, along with a spreadsheet of all books about which families or members of the community have complained.
All books from both the classroom and library will be pulled by the time I finish this sentence. We will provide more details regarding the action to take for those books. … Once this has been completed, please email me a confirmation. It is important that this confirmation be sent by today’s deadline.
Why panic Ms. Price, Panic! Why? Never mind — we already know the answer. The school district could have either given in to the demands of a small group leftists, or they embraced their racism from the start. Either way, I’ll go out on a limb and bet y’all [Texas talk]They were terrified to death by a lawsuit.
Bryce Nieman, district spokesperson, said that Keller school trustees approved a new policy that required that every book previously challenged be reconsidered.
To be fair, many of the titles focused on gay or transexual themes, including the book that started the whole thing, “Gender Queer: A Memoir,” a graphic novel by Maia Kobabe that explores gender identity and sexual orientation and includes illustrations depicting oral sex.
But What is the Bible?Oder the journal of a young Jewish girl and her family hiding from Hitler’s Nazis?
Anne, 15, and her family were captured by the Bergen-Belsen concentration camps and taken into custody. Anne was only 16 at the time she passed away.
Neiman wasn’t sure when the review would be complete. No doubt — more than 800 titles were on the removal list. Just me, or does Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451What comes to your mind?
Later in the day, another message went out from the district’s associate superintendent, in obvious response to dissatisfaction with the earlier order that the books be pulled from school shelves:
The new guidelines are being applied to books and they will be returned as soon as possible. As soon as we can, the process will be expedited and eligible books returned into circulation.
Here’s where the crazy starts.
After Texas education officials opened an investigation into allegations that district had not adequately evaluated books entering classrooms or school libraries in December, this may have led to sexually explicit material being accessible for school-age children.
You must stop the taping.
I’m no Bible scholar, but I’m unaware of Sexually explicitContent in the Bible And while Anne Frank’s diary covers the period in which she goes through puberty and experiences a mutual attraction with a teenage boy, there is no inappropriate Sexually explicitYou can also find content within the diary.
Anyway, Texas Governor Greg Abbott called on state education officials at the time to investigate “the availability of pornography” in public schools and to develop new standards that would prevent “obscene content in Texas public schools.” Who knew that list would include the Bible and Anne Frank’s diary?
Shocked? Me, neither.
In a statement by the school district, it said that books taken from shelves will be subject to another review by librarians and staff under a revised policy last week. Behind closed doors, staff and parents met to examine books and assess their suitability for schools.
Would you be willing to see more? Those discussions?
Christians and other various other moralists incensed over the removal of the Bible and Anne Frank’s diary pitted against those who believe “Gender Queer: A Memoir” is a swell read for the kiddies.
Bottom line:
It’s “almost” like the Keller Independent School District yanked the Bible and Frank’s diary from shelves in an attempt to demonstrate “fairness” to the LGBTQ and drag queen crowds, huh? Color me cynical.