Surprise! PBS Calls Out ‘Substantial’ Democrat Gerrymandering in New York

The discussion centered on how Republicans will struggle with Biden’s Supreme Court nominee as well as Donald Trump’s appeals to pardon the people charged in the Capitol riot of January 6, 2017, PBS NewsHour Amy Walter took a quick detour as pundit to point out New York Democrats for their flagrant gerrymandering.

Walter and NPR’s Asma Shahlid — filling in for Tamara Keith (anchor) All Things Considered— highlighted the successes of Biden with his nominees for judicial office. Walter warned that Republicans should not do this. [SCOTUS confirmation]This lengthy, contentious process could prove to be counterproductive. It may motivate voters not yet as motivated by the Democratic Party. They did manage to turn it around in the end for the asterisk:

JUDYWOODRUFF – Just a moment to Amy and Amy about redistricting. We have been talking a lot about Republican — Republican legislatures and commissions drawing districts to favor them, but, in New York state, we’re now seeing a new map that heavily favors Democrats.

AMY WALTER And, Judy, this is a state that, in 2014, voters put about — approved a ballot measure that took redistricting out of the hands of politicians, put it in the hands of a bipartisan commission. Surprised no one, the bipartisan commission was disbanded and became polarized.

The legislature, which is heavily dominated by Democrats, voted to send it back. Democrats made a favorable map, which effectively would have cut down the Republican delegation from 8 to 4. Democrats could win seats more Democratic or hold more Democratic seats, and three additional seats heavily Democratic.

It is an extremely large, significant redistricting-gerrymander in New York. While it is not a violation of law, it raises questions regarding the spirit and purpose of reforming government.

Democrats especially want to take out Nicole Malliotakis as freshman representative, who is the sole Republican in New York City.

One energetically refashioned gerrymander is a gift for Jerry Nadler (so Nick Fondacaro joked it was “Jerrynadlering”): 

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