Surprise NBC News Report Blows Apart January 6th Committee Claim That Trump Assaulted Secret Service Agents – Opinion

Tuesday saw the anti-Trump coalition spend most of Tuesday extolling the testimony by Cassidy Hutchinson to the January 6th Committee. This was a former White House adviser. They called the hearing game-changing, and suggested the Trump administration is closing in. She was more like the previous testimony. loaded with hearsay that wouldn’t amount to much of anything–even if everything said was true.

What the latest “emergency” hearing reiterated is that January 6th committee doesn’t exist to actually provide evidence of its claims. It exists only to pile as much trash against the wall, hoping that the overwhelming number of claims will lead people to an unsupported conclusion.

The biggest example of that to come from Hutchinson’s testimony was a wild claim that Trump was so excited to go wage insurrection at the Capitol Building that he assaulted two Secret Service agents and tried to grab the steering wheel of the car he was in. It sounds incredible.

The entire theme of Hutchinson’s testimony was that she heard it from a friend who heard it from a friend. Only the clowns on the January 6th committee could manage to hold up a person who didn’t witness essentially anything she claimed as “bombshell” proof of some grand conspiracy to commit insurrection. But again, even if what her statements were true, they didn’t add up to any smoking gun. There could be a litany of reasons Trump might have wanted to go to the Capitol, apart from storming the building and stealing Nancy Pelosi’s beer.

Of course, and you might want to sit down for this, Hutchinson’s crazy claim appears to be false. A report from NBC News blew the entire media frenzy that was proclaiming Trump’s imminent demise (and the brilliantness of the January 6th Committee) just hours earlier.

It’s amazing how the events unfolded to dump all of the responsibility back on Liz Cheney and her band of Democrats. They let Hutchinson witness to something so simple to verify. It should be obvious, given the respect Trump shows Secret Service personnel who worked for him, that they will speak out to correct the record.

This is the only conclusion I can draw from it: The January 6th committee was full of idiots. They actually thought they could have an aide spin fanciful, third-hand tales and that there’d be no pushback. It didn’t make sense. We are supposed to believe that Trump fought his way into the front seat of the presidential limo (or a suburban depending on who you ask) as a 74-year-old, overweight man, overtaking two Secret Service agents to “grab the wheel?” I mean, if he wanted to go to the Capitol, he was the president. All he had to do was say “take me to the Capitol.”

Honestly, I can’t stop laughing. The entire episode was hilarious. These hearings should continue to be held by the committee on January 6, just for entertainment. I also hope Republicans don’t forget those on their own side who rushed to once again swallow the hook on ridiculous, completely absurd accusation against Donald Trump.

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