Former NFL quarterback Tim Tebow is attempting something that many politicians have failed to tackle — he is trying to stop human trafficking worldwide.
Tebow is an ardent Christian who has made it his goal to aid those in need as well as innocent victims of trafficking.
Too many leaders claim to be concerned about the crisis but others completely ignore it. This has allowed it to worsen for too long. Tebow is doing an incredible deed, but he can’t do it alone. He explained that after the victims are rescued, the vulnerable children are in danger because, as the children prepare to testify against their trafficker, there are bounties on the children’s heads.
Fox News interviewed Tebow:
“It’s such a focus for me because we believe this is one of the greatest evils in the world today.”
“So many girls and boys and women and even some men are trapped in this horrible evil,”
He said, “It’s the human exploitation of children” that must end.
The Huff Post reports that 1.2 million children are being trafficked each year. That’s equivalent to a child being exploited every two minutes. This is extremely disturbing and shameful.
Tebow said that this was something he felt called to do.
“It is something that I feel we are called to, our team is called to.”
“And in a macro sense, we are really called to help the most vulnerable people around the world, and these are some of the most vulnerable people.”
Tebow added that this issue is something near and dear to his and his wife, Demi-Leigh Tebow’s heart:
“is something that has been very near and dear to my heart and Demi’s heart. And we both feel we are called in different times and different ways to it, but for both of us, it’s such a passion for us.”
“Our mission statement is to bring faith, hope and love to those needing a brighter day in their darkest hour of need.”
“A lot of these girls and boys who are in these situations — this is really their darkest hour of need. And that’s where we feel called to — to chaos, crisis — to these hard places.”
Tebow said:
“Our job is simply to provide as much protection, kindness and love as possible, and point them to the Truth. They’re worth it.”
More Tim Tebows are needed around the globe. This man is doing a great job for those children, men, and women who are trafficked. While Senator Josh Hawley (Republican from Missouri) has advocated for reforms to human trafficking, legislative negotiations appear to be in limbo. Tebow is helping to stop human trafficking.
My 35th birthday, Twitter family! Thank you to everyone who has joined the Protect Them fundraiser— more than 3,700 have said yes to this mission to fight human trafficking, thank you!!
Will you join this fight and give a gift of $35 today?
— Tim Tebow (@TimTebow) August 14, 2022
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