SHOCK: Wash Post Finally Sees ‘Danger’ to ‘Suppressing’ ‘Accurate’ Hunter Story

It’s time to make reality your reality Washington Post. It finally occurred to the liberal newspaper on Monday that perhaps — just perhaps — there’s a “danger” to “suppressing” stories like the Hunter Biden laptop controversy on social media outlets. The paper can’t say definitively, but the editorial at least shows the idea is being at least considered amongst the outlet’s writers. 

This week The Washington Post discovered the bombshell confirmation of the Hunter story, publishing two stories confirming it’s legitimacy. And now, in an editorial with the sub-headline “The lessons of Hunter Biden’s laptop,” the paper stated what millions of Americans already knew: 

Twitter blocked this story completely, pointing at a policy to prevent hacked materials and then suspended it. New York Post’s account for sharing it. Facebook downranked the story in the algorithms that govern users’ news feeds for fear that it was based on misinformation…. The lesson learned from 2020 may well be that there’s also a danger of suppressing accurate and relevant stories.

Well, you don’t say? Perhaps censoring a story just because liberal tech sites don’t like it is a mistake?

The editorial confirmed, “Now, The Washington PostThe New York TimesHave vouchsafed for many of them [laptop’s] relevant communications.” 

But don’t worry. But don’t worry. Post editorial mostly exonerates itself and other news outlets for initially ignoring the story: 

This sequence of events led to accusations of a coverup or, at the very least, a double standard regarding how mainstream media and social media treated conservative and liberal politicians. YThere were reasons for both the platforms and publications’ reluctance to cooperate in this case. Both had been the unwitting tools of a Russian influence campaign in 2016, and it was only prudent to suspect a similar plot lay behind the mysterious appearance of a computer stuffed with juicy documents and conveniently handed over to President Donald Trump’s toxic personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani.

This context doesn’t necessarily exonerate every action of every publication and platform. Newspapers should wait for information to be verified before publishing it.

It’s only social media sites like Twitter and Facebook that the PostThis is where I am slightly less conflicted. 

Social media sites face a tougher choice when it comes to whether and how to dampen the spread of a story when they’re unsure of its truthfulness or origins. There are no easy solutions to these problems. 

There are no easy answers. It is possible that Hunter Biden wasn’t mentioned on the newscasts over the course of 260 days. 

On Sunday, former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie said of the mainstream media on Hunter’s laptop: “They were dead wrong.” And outlets like The Washington Post are belatedly trying to catch up. That’s at least what it is. Final wordsIt was the PostThe 2020 Twitter and Facebook censorship was bad. It may be small progress, but at least it’s something. 

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