SHOCK: Univision Anchor Says Hispanics ‘More Than Immigration Issue’

Univision anchor Luis Carlos Vélez recently broke with Hispanic media orthodoxy by saying that Hispanics are “more than the immigration issue”. True, but such statements would be unheard in an institution that relies on Hispanics only being concerned with the immigration problem.

Watch as Vélez continues to defy conventional wisdom:

LUIS CARLOS VELEZ – And one last thing. If the Democrats want to win the presidential election in two years, they have to start doing their homework. They are in the back of reality. You can see footage of Florida Governor. Ron DeSantis, and one of these videos was taken at an event in Miami with conservative Colombians. DeSantis was a speaker at the event and spoke about communism within the region. Let’s listen.

GOV. RON DESANTIS: Then what are they going to do for Ortega in Nicaragua? It’s a joke. This is an interesting thought though. Florida- We understand this better than anyone else in America. South Florida has so many survivors of the horrors and cruelty of communism. 

VELEZ: DeSantis talking to conservative Colombians! This is an extremely small world. That event shows the tactical game that Republicans are playing in key places such as Florida. They are talking about things that tug at their heartstrings, that create opinions, and therefore, votes. 

The Democrats are the same? If they want to regain some of That lost ground, it is important that they understand that tactical game and not allow the wave to grow- which these days is strengthening and many say, “no, it’s the media” when Democrats are in fact losing the hearts of Hispanics. Well, it’s true. These signs look bleak. The most recent Quinnipiac poll shows that only 26% of Hispanics approve of President Biden’s performance. This is an astonishing fall if you take into account that the president won 61% of the Latino vote. In short, it is time for politicians in the United States to understand that we Hispanics are more than the immigration issue. While important, it doesn’t define our entire experience here in the United States. Many other factors are involved.

From this final monologue, several things stand out. This is the first time that Florida Governor. Ron DeSantis isn’tCovered by Velez as “the devil incarnate.” Vélez also directly mentions Biden’s abysmal Hispanic performance in The Q-poll, which is something you very rarely see on Spanish-language media. 

Spanish-language media have gained and held influence within the Hispanic community by successfully suggesting that immigration is theThe defining political issue is immigration. Especially in the news divisions. Now Vélez comes along and says the exact opposite- that there is a sum of lived experience that goes far beyond immigration AND that the GOP is successfully reaching into that lived experience to the Democrats’ peril. When compared with the standard wisdom in Spanish-language media, the United States, such an analysis can be deemed sound but outright absurd. 

It’s a good thing, too. Let’s hope that this helps Univision get back at the core and connect with its audience. 



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