Scientists and Doctors Sign Letter to Censor Joe Rogan but Their Language Gives Them Away – Opinion

Joe Rogan was a great host and set the stage for the left by inviting Dr. Robert Malone on his show. It was astoundingly eye-opening. Malone, who is considered one of the founders of modern vaccination, shared information about everything, including the COVID-19 vaccine and insider baseball in the medical community. He also explained how politics was used by the government to profit from coronavirus. As a person who listened to it myself, I can tell you that it’s a must-hear.

However, not everyone wants you to sit and listen to Dr. Malone, and in fact, would like to have Rogan censored in order to keep him from ever having information like Malone’s reach the ears of the general public.

According to Rolling Stone, this is why 270 doctors, scientists, and professors have apparently signed a letter aimed at Spotify, complaining that Rogan needs to be reigned in for spreading every leftist’s favorite word; “misinformation”:

Our group includes scientists, physicians, researchers, teachers, and communication specialists from many fields, including neuroscience, microbiology and immunology. We call upon Spotify to prevent mass misinformation on the platform. With an estimated 11 million listeners per episode, JRE is the world’s largest podcast and has tremendous influence. Spotify is responsible for preventing misinformation from spreading on the platform. However, Spotify currently has no misinformation policy.

The letter goes on to complain that Rogan has spread a “distrust in science and medicine” and complained that Malone triggered a distrust in “societal leaders.” Perhaps unsurprisingly, buried within the article are hyperlinks that reference the complaints, including links to leftist sources such as Media Matters for America, Politifact, and Rolling Stone. An Instagram link refers back even to a post that promotes an Instagram podcast which supposedly refutes Malones claims.

Jessica Rivera is an Instagram celebrity who promoted vaccination, in particular for children. She brags in one photograph that her 5-year old daughter will soon have full vaccinations as she stands beside a Dr. Anthony Fauci cardboard cutout. It seems that she also spends a lot time on CNN.

In her last post, she linked the Rolling Stone article above promoting the letter to Spotify and said she was “proud to have co-authored and signed this open letter to Spotify about the dangerous misinformation” on Rogan’s show.

To catch you up, Fauci is currently in the hot seat over information revealed in an August 13, 2021 report on the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) which divulges a lot of narrative breaking facts for the left, including the NIH’s involvement in the creation of COVID-19, the efficacy of ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, etc. The vaccines are not effective against COVDI-19 and cannot be used as a cure.

This document effectively confirms a lot of what Malone said on Rogan’s show.

Rolling Stone appears to promote this letter more as an attempt at censorship rather than keeping facts true. Judging from the DARPA report, we’re effectively seeing a campaign from the left to keep their narratives at the forefront and prevent any information from challenging them. It doesn’t help that the letter presented by Rivera and these scientists link to extreme leftist sources like Media Matters, but it really doesn’t help that they use nebulous terms to describe Rogan’s podcast like “misinformation.”

The term “misinformation” has been thrown around with reckless abandon by the left to describe anything that might be remotely inconvenient to their narrative, whether the thing in question is factual or not. Interestingly enough, no misinformation seems to be coming from the left, even when the numbers they’re spouting are flat-out lies.

“Misinformation” is simply a catch-all phrase that has no true definition except, “they said something we don’t like.” Scientists that argue against Malone would do better in publishing journals and possibly debating these things in person with people like Malone, yet as Rand Paul pointed out, instead of doing these things, people like Fauci don’t do that. Instead, they go to the media like Rivera with Rolling Stone.

Medical experts may be few compared to other members of society, but there seems to be an inequalities within the medical community regarding the virus and the effectiveness of vaccines. Each of these doctors should have the right to speak out, but the left attempts to suppress any voices which are not in line with their story. It does not inform us and creates distrust for those who try to silence.

Censorship is not science, in fact, it’s the opposite.

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