Samantha Bee: Since Religions Argue When the Soul Enters the Body, No Abortion Bans

Samantha Bee was host of far-left activists last week and had recently hosted two women on TBS. Fully Frontal who argued that “a small minority of religious people are basing laws that will affect my body on the idea that at conception the fetus has a soul.

Below is a vile segment.

The women were responding to the Mississippi law that would make it almost illegal to have an abortion after 15 weeks, unless a medical exemption arises. The women argue that a small majority of religious people are basing this law on the idea that “at conception the fetus has a soul.”

They argued that since the major religions don’t agree on when this happens, there shouldn’t be an abortion ban:

BEE: The Mississippi law can be interpreted in two different ways. It’s intent is to move the goal posts and make getting an abortion harder. Why? A small number of religious people believe that the conception of a fetus is a spiritual event. And that’s something that even The Majors don’t agree on.


NATIONAL COUNCIL OF JEWISH WOMEN’s RABBI DANYA RUTTENBERG: The Talmud says for the first 40 days the fetus is mere water. That would be about seven to eight weeks of gestation.”

BEE: Yes.

REPRO LEGAL DEFENSE FUND DIRECTOR FAFA P. KIDVAI: The Quan does say that at 120 days the soul enters the body of the fetus. And that is roughly 17 and a half weeks.”

BEE: What do your religions have to say about the time when the soul departs the body? It could be when you are running for office. Is it actually when you win?

The women conveniently left out Jeremiah 1:5 (Old Testament), which reads: “before I formed you in the womb, I knew you.” 

That conveniently spelled out that unborn fetuses have souls from the beginning — at least one would think it does.

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