Moments after Democratic gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe delivered his sad speech about how Virginia needed to count every vote, CNN’s mostly liberal panel was obviously depressed. As they realized their divisive political views were being rejected by Virginia and New Jersey, their depressed spirits fell further.
“Terry McAuliffe, not giving a concession speech at this point, but saying keep counting the votes because every vote counts,” host Anderson Cooper announced right after McAuliffe spoke.
Van Jones, liberal commentator was backAfter smearingGlenn Youngkin, Republican Candidate) tried to promote McAuliffe but he was too tired. “He’s the Energizer Bunny of the Democratic Party, but it looks like his is – this may be the end of his career,” he lamented.
Jones began the basic autopsy to determine what had gone wrong. He also admitted McAuliffe was a snitch on his parents.
He was probably trying to compete against Donald Trump, and this man was able run for his parents as a champion.
Many parents have spent one year homeschooling their children and are now forced to. To tell those people, “Look, we don’t care what you think about education,” that is a big insult. And I think you will see that a bunch of moms said, “we don’t like that attitude” and they rose up. You will now see Republicans trying to make this issue about parental rights a political football. You have a plan.
“But look, Terry McAuliffe, I think he would have been a great governor. I hope he gets a chance to be a governor, but I don’t think he ran a great campaign,” he added.
Former Obama advisor David Axelrod was up next and he was “struck” by the “discordant message” of the McAuliffe campaign. “Kamala Harris, the vice president came in to campaign for him. And she said, ‘the question in this campaign is whether we will move forward and whether we’re moving back?’ And she’s standing next to a guy who was governor some time back. And it seemed like a discordant message,” he noted.
Axelrod was most concerned by Youngkin’s independents breaking the bank, as per exit polls.
However, I’d like to raise a few points about this election’s messages and the way they will be read. David Chalian spoke earlier of 53 percent saying the Democratic Party was too liberal, and Youngkin receiving 75 percent.
Each received equal votes, or proportions of votes from Republicans or Democrats. Republicans and Democrats also voted nearly in equal numbers. Youngkin won nine points, while independents took the other 9. This was a devastating result. Remember that Joe Biden won the independent vote by 18 points 10 years ago. That is something that I am concerned about.
Gloria Borger was the chief political analyst. She wanted to keep going with the autopsy. And instead of seeing the upsets as a rejection of the far-left politics of the Democratic Party, she felt it only meant the left should just “slow down” and not stop:
Maybe they’re too liberal. Maybe some of the message is, “Slow down. Slow down. We don’t want to do it all at once.” And I think if you’re one of those moderates, those front line moderates whose got a problem, you’re sitting there thinking tonight, ‘why didn’t we just pass that infrastructure bill, get that out of the way and let these voters know that the Democrats can have a governing majority that can work for them.’
Cooper’s nervous laughter was mixed with an attempt to make the panel laugh at New Jersey’s possible troubles.
COOPER Ciattarelli’s Republican opponent, 51.7 per cent.
AXELROD : Yes. It won’t make Democrats feel any better.
You can find the transcript below. To read it, please click on “expand”.
CNN’s Election Night in America
November 2, 2021
Eastern 10:27.09ANDERSON COOPER – Terry McAuliffe is not making a concession at this stage, but he says keep counting the votes, because each vote matters. Van, how do you feel about that?
VAN JONES: Terry McAuliffe, that’s him. He’s the Energizer Bunny of the Democratic Party, but it looks like his is – this may be the end of his career. It is clear that his campaign did not fit both his state and time. It seems he tried to compete against Donald Trump. This guy could run for his parents as a champion.
Many parents have spent one year homeschooling their children and are now forced to. To tell those people, “Look, we don’t care what you think about education,” that is a big insult. And I think you will see that a bunch of moms said, “we don’t like that attitude” and they rose up. You will now see Republicans trying to make this issue about parental rights a political football. You have a plan.
Terry McAuliffe would have made a great governor, but look at him. Although I wish he could be elected governor, I doubt he had a successful campaign.
DAVID AXELROD : Virginia only has one-term governors. It was a shock to me the other day. Kamala Harris was the vice president who came to support him. And she said, ‘the question in this campaign is whether we will move forward and whether we’re move back?’ And she’s standing next to a guy who was governor some time back. This seemed to be a conflicting message.
However, I’d like to raise a few points about this election’s messages and the way they will be read. David Chalian spoke earlier of 53 percent saying the Democratic Party was too liberal, and Youngkin receiving 75 percent.
Both received the same number of votes (or percentages) from Republicans or Democrats. Republicans as well as Democrats were almost equally represented in voting. Youngkin won nine points, while independents took the other 9. This was a devastating result. Remember that Joe Biden won the independents’ vote by 18 points 10 years ago. That is something that I am concerned about.
One of the questions I have is if you are a Democrat sitting on Capitol Hill and you’re in a swing district in suburban areas, are you rethinking tonight your vote on this reconciliation package. Are you thinking, ‘maybe it’s best we should do it.” If I were sitting in the White House, of I was sitting in the leadership of the Democratic Councils in the Congress, I’d be worried about that. I would be to firm these people up, because there’s going to be – I just know how this goes. It’s something I’ve experienced. When things get bad, people start to look at themselves.
GLORIA BORGER But that has not been the case. And those Democrats that you’re talking about are now probably sitting and thinking, ‘well, we have to be clearer and crisper about what we want to do and what we’re achieving because they haven’t done that.’ And that hurt Terry McAuliffe.
Maybe they’re too liberal. Maybe some of the message is, “Slow down. Slow down. We don’t want to do it all at once.” And I think if you’re one of those moderates, those front line moderates whose got a problem, you’re sitting there thinking tonight, ‘why didn’t we just pass that infrastructure bill, get that out of the way and let these voters know that the Democrats can have a governing majority that can work for them.’
COOPER Ciattarelli’s Republican opponent, 51.7 per cent.
AXELROD : Yes. It won’t make Democrats feel any better.
[Nervous laughter]