RNC Plays Long Game In Arizona With Hispanic Community Center Opening – Opinion

To make contact with minorities voters, Friday saw the opening of a Hispanic community facility in Tucson by Republican National Committee.

According to a press release, Blake Masters, the Senate candidate, Juan Ciscomani the congressional candidate, Tommy Hicks the RNC chair, and Dr. Kelli Ward, the Arizona Republican Party Chairwoman, made an appearance at the event in celebration of the opening of the center in Arizona and 37th RNC minor outreach center across the country.

“Democrats have tried to pander to Latinos for too long,” Ciscomani said, according to The Western Journal.

Polling shows Hispanic voters have been slowly gravitating toward Republicans, especially in states like Florida, in which Latino support for former President Donald Trump went from 35 percent to 47 percent between 2016 and 2020, according to Americas Society. Biden and Trump both experienced a 3 percent rise in Latino votership in Arizona. But these centers are able to have an even greater impact in state races.

Rep. Mayra Flores, a Mexican-born congresswoman, won a special-election victory in June in Texas. This was in spite of the district being 85 percent Hispanic. This win is seen by Democrats as an indicator that Democrats are losing ground among Latino and Hispanic voters.

According to U.S. Census Bureau estimates, Tucson has 44 percent Hispanic/Latino population as of July 2021.

The National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials estimates that 644,600 Latino voters will cast their ballots in Arizona this midterm cycle, which is why it’s crucial for Republicans to focus on outreach, KOLD reported. Arizona is so competitive that even a few voters could make a difference. State Republicans have the power to maintain the state’s conservative streak by connecting with Hispanics on the issues that truly matter to them, and this is a step in the right direction.

The community centers offer the type of creativity that conservatives long sought. The idea of a big-tent Republican Party that appeals to a wide base while still maintaining its convictions is the only path forward for the party’s future success.

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