Returned on Tuesday Politico’s West Wing Playbook dove into the Biden administration’s ongoing searchWe are looking for a spokesperson to represent First Lady Jill Biden. Naturally, this includes an executive from a major broadcast or cable network with ties to that regime.
Max Tani and Alex Thompson both wrote “one name…that has emerged as a possible contender is RICHARD HUDOCK, who led comms for NBC’s Washington outfit for years” “has since been elevated to a communications vice president for NBC and MSNBC at the networks’ headquarters in New York.”
“Multiple people familiar with the search told West Wing Playbook that Hudock is among the candidates the first lady’s office is taking seriously for the role,”These were added.
In addition to the Biden White House looking to bring in someone who’s supposedly been charged with holding them to account, Hudock’s also notable because he’s already a walking conflict of interest.
How? Well, it turns out he’s been the partner of State Department spokesman Ned Price. Price’s glowing profile in the Daily Beast, February 20, 21 shows that he is a highly-regarded figure. PeopleThe couple wrote together that they were married for three years.
Michael LaRosa’s departure has prompted the search for a replacement communications officer to Jill Biden. The White House fledIt was less than a month ago.
As we recall from the Trump years, the liberal media threw conniptions when someone from Fox News joined the previous administration, but don’t look for the liberal media janitors to do the same if Hudock ends up being Jill Biden’s pick.