Reporter Breaks Down Just How Bad Things Are for Joe Biden After Reading VA Gov. Race Tea Leaves – Opinion

As we’ve previously reported, the writing has been on the wall for Democrats for some time now, with President Joe Biden’s approval ratings approaching basement levels (freefalling after the Afghanistan debacle) and the Democrat-controlled Congress’ approval ratings among voters being even worse.

This week was an example. Gallup PollingNew poll results show a dramatic decline in Congress support From Democrats – support that went from 55 percent in September to 33 percent in October. This was a 22 percent decrease. Among Democrats. The Democrat-controlled Congress.

Needless to say, if a new president cannot shore up his base of support in time for midterm elections, that’s a recipe for disaster with devastating losses for his party a strong possibility in the House and maybe even the Senate, too.

With all of that and more in mind, pollsters, political experts, and the like have been busy analyzing the latest tea leaves coming out of the closely-watched Virginia governor’s race, which has just seen Republican nominee Glenn Youngkin surpass Democrat nominee Terry McAuliffe in a big way – with Youngkin now up Eight pointsThis remarkable turnaround was witnessed among potential voters after McAuliffe lost five points in the Fox News poll two weeks ago.

Among those analyzing the latest data is NBC News editor/reporter Benjy Sarlin, who tweeted out some inconvenient comparisons this morning that should be pretty sobering for Democrats at this point in Biden’s presidency so far:

Is it really so bad for Biden? “Reaaaaaal bad,” suggests Sarlin:

The reasons why are obvious – and of course, the numbers are subject to change depending on the political landscape a year out:

As I said yesterday, it could be that if and when the “Build Back Better” bills get passed, support for the Democrat Congress among Democrats will rebound, but even so, the die has been cast as even Democrats are now seeing that Joe Biden for all his promises of unity and bipartisanship and getting things done or whatever has proven to be an ineffective “leader” in bringing the warring factions Even in his party with you.

And as I also noted, there’s the issue of independent voters who are running away from Joe Biden as the failures pile up, something that also appears to be playing out in the Virginia governor’s race.

Time will tell, of course, but in my view, if the economy isn’t humming back along as it had started to under former President Trump in the closing months of his presidency even in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, nothing else will matter. Joe Biden is gone and his party will suffer at all levels. Americans value the issues of their kitchen tables more than other things. Joe Biden has made it more difficult for them to pay more for gas, food and almost everything else.

In conclusion, Democrats will face disaster in 2022 if Joe and Co. do not fix the ship. Thanks in large part Joe Biden. Even his supporter are beginning to see that he is not the rescuer chief voters believed him to be.

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