No matter whether you are buying or selling, it is vitally important that you are aware of any real estate tricks used by agents, as these could potentially work against you if not handled carefully.
One way to overcome this challenge is to seek an agent with an established community presence. Vania Delgado’s introduction conveys her integration within her local area, giving prospects confidence that she will be an honest broker.
Exaggerating listings
Real estate agents sometimes embellish property descriptions, especially when features like infinity pools or other luxury add-ons are present. While this can make the listing seem more enticing and encourage potential buyers to reach out, it may also attract the wrong type of customer – for instance claiming the house boasts sea views when in reality it sits miles from it can prove both frustrating and costly for both agent and seller.
Real estate agents may falsify their track records and years of experience when trying to woo you into working with them, so it is wise to be watchful and request proof before agreeing to work with an agent.
Home purchases and sales are two of the most costly transactions an individual or household will undertake during their lives, which makes them vulnerable to dishonest individuals seeking an edge in negotiations. Understanding what tactics real estate agents use may help protect you against such tactics.
Pushing unnecessary upgrades
Homeowners may fall prey to real estate agent tricks that cost them money, such as pushing unnecessary upgrades that do not add any tangible value to the property. Such repairs or upgrades could add thousands to the purchase price without adding any tangible benefit, so homeowners must remain wary when their agent requests repairs or upgrades that do not add any true value to a purchase price.
Real estate agents sometimes employ deceitful practices in order to gain an edge when purchasing or selling homes, including exaggerated listings and concealing negative information. Homeowners can avoid falling prey to these deceptive practices by being aware of them and performing their own research; additionally it’s wise to hire an independent contractor in order to verify any repairs or upgrades suggested by an agent.
Though laws have tightened recently, under-quoting still occurs across Australia and around the world. This practice involves real estate agents advertising a property at a lower price than its estimated selling or auction reserve price – something which could mislead buyers and cause them to waste time attending inspections, arranging finance arrangements or paying for building and pest inspections on properties they ultimately can’t afford.
Dishonest agents often underquote to attract buyers, giving the appearance that there is greater interest than there really is in a property’s true market value. Unfortunately, this could result in vendors being sold below expectations.
Buyers’ best defense against underquoting is being proactive and asking plenty of questions. Be sure to keep a record of how an agent responds, especially if making pre-auction offers. Also try gathering as much information about the seller’s reserve price and expected sale price as possible.
Using phantom buyers
An unfair practice occurs when an agent creates an artificial buyer to force buyers into increasing their offers, even though this practice is illegal. Unfortunately, however, some real estate agents use this tactic in hot housing markets in order to increase sales and profits.
Phantom buyers are usually nonexistent individuals using fake profiles to pose as potential purchasers. To prevent falling prey to this scam, always thoroughly research any prospective buyer before making an offer – look for signs such as mutual friends or their address on social media as an indication of being real individuals.
Phantom buyers can be one of the most dangerous forms of real estate fraud, costing real estate agents thousands. If caught, fines or jail time could apply; to avoid them altogether, be wary of suspicious sellers and keep copies of all offers for your records.
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