‘Rainbow Fentanyl’ Poses Risk to West Coast as Officials Issue Warning to Parents – Opinion

A new form of colorful fentanyl is being circulated in the Pacific Northwest. Officials warn that it may pose additional danger to children.

Chris Gibson (Director of Drug Enforcement Agency for Oregon-Idaho High-Intensity Drug Trafficking Region), spoke on Thursday to Fox News about the potential dangers posed by the extremely potent and chalky drug.

“Our biggest fear is, is that it will get in the hands of children who don’t understand what it is that they have and thinking that it’s sidewalk chalk or a piece of candy ingesting it and eventually or potentially overdosing on what is a very, very potent drug that is killing hundreds of thousands of people a year in this country,” Gibson said on “Fox and Friends.”

The substance is nicknamed “rainbow fentanyl” as it can be dyed in a variety of colors. The warning comes as Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office recently seized 800 fentanyl pills and four grams of the colored substance.

“We are partnering with Multnomah County health departments to sound the alarm,” SIU Sergeant Matt Ferguson said in a press release.

“The public needs to be aware of the rising use of powdered fentanyl. We believe this is going to be the new trend seen on the streets of Portland.”

Gibson attributes Gibson’s rise in fentanyl traficking to the crisis at South Border.

“This is definitely produced south of our border in Mexico and being transported across the border and then distributed to communities by drug trafficking organizations that exist within this country,” he told Fox News.

Fentanyl addiction is leading cause for death in the United States, especially among those aged 18-45.

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