White progressives can hide their racist bigotry pretty well. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas is what makes white progressives feel like Bull Connor, and forces them to confront their racism. After the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn it, this became even clearer. Roe v. Wade.
Pro-abortion supporters, most of whom are white, have been rather bold in hurling racial epithets at Thomas, who wrote a concurrence to the majority opinion written by Justice Samuel Alito in the court’s ruling. Many used the “N-word” with impunity. Below are some examples.
Even more remarkable is the fact Twitter hasn’t yet taken any action to remove these racist tweets. What would happen if some white conservatives made racist tweets against Stacey Abrams? The tweets would be deleted and the people who wrote them likely would be banned forever.
This highlights that the far-left, who are often called champions of racial minorities or warriors against racism, have much more in common with David Duke. Indeed, if you doubt this, just look at some of race grifter Robin DiAngelo’s work.
This story also reminds me of Malcolm X’s comments on racism among white liberals and conservatives. He criticized both, but noted that “the white liberals are more dangerous than the conservatives; they lure the Negro, and as the Negro runs from the growling wolf, he flees into the open jaws of the ‘smiling fox.’”
One of his speeches included the following:
“The white liberal differs from the white conservative in one way. Liberals are more hypocritical and deceitful than conservatives. Both desire power. But, the white liberal has perfected the art of posing as the negro’s (sic) friend and benefactor.”
These progressives will soon return to their Fox-like manners, hiding their views about black inferiority and requiring the white savior mentality of their white supporters to save them. While they may not make it a habit of calling us the “n-word” publicly, they will never stop treating us as such – especially when we do not agree with what they believe is best for us.