Some social media users are certain that Queen Elizabeth II was subtly criticizing President Donald Trump with her choice of tiara on Monday night.
During a banquet held at Buckingham Palace in honor of Trump’s visit, the queen wore a Burmese Ruby Tiara encrusted with 96 rubies. According to the Royal Exhibitions website, the stones signify “the number of diseases that the Burmese people believe can afflict the human body.”
“They credit the ruby with prophylactic properties guarding the wearer not only against illness, but also against evil,” a description on the site reads.
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That was enough for a number of Trump’s critics on Twitter to declare that Queen Elizabeth was clearly signaling her disgust with the American president. Brian Gay announced in response to the supposed dig: “I AM CACKLING.”
RopeToInfinity declared: “I’m calling this shade.”
Queen just repeatedly mentioning that her tiara is the BURMESE RUBY TIARA in the hope that Trump googles it on the way home and eventually realises he's been Owned
— RopesToInfinity (@RopesToInfinity) June 4, 2019
Meanwhile, other commenters were moved to lavish praise on the British monarch.
Helen Rose deemed the queen a “hero” for her “trolling” of the hated American.
Queen Elizabeth is a hero. That tiara she’s wearing is made up of 96 rubies gifted to her on her wedding day by the people of Burma to ward of disease. I adore her for her trolling trump skills through the medium of jewellery.
— HelenRosé (@helenjrose) June 4, 2019
Arbiters of royal etiquette also accused Trump of making a faux pas by lightly touching Queen Elizabeth’s back during his visit. Protocol stipulates that the monarch should not be touched unless she initiates contact.
On the other hand, less-speculative onlookers observed that the two leaders’ date appeared boringly cordial. Unlike fellow British royal Meghan Markle, whom Trump called “nasty” last week, the queen has never publicly criticized the president.
“I am delighted to welcome you and Mrs Trump to Buckingham Palace this evening, just twelve months after our first meeting at Windsor Castle,” she said in a cheerful toast to Trump on Monday. “Visits by American Presidents always remind us of the close and longstanding friendship between the United Kingdom and the United States, and I am so glad that we have another opportunity to demonstrate the immense importance that both our countries attach to our relationship.”
The Queen Elizabeth tiara uproar: a liberal head case
Last year, therapists identified a rise in what they unofficially diagnosed as “Trump Anxiety Disorder.” In a 2017 essay, clinical psychologist Jennifer Panning – who is credited with coining the term – described the symptoms as worrying about the state of the country, feeling helpless and out of control and spending too much time on social media.
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