Fauci to be revolting is what I find. I always have.
He’s a petty, little man without concern for humanity; just focused on his constant hunt for power and publicity.
With the news that he’s been supporting and using taxpayer money to heinously torture beagle puppies under the ludicrous assertion that there’s some “scientific research value” in this grisly, Satanic suffering of innocent animals. These lab-coated beasts look at us with hopeful, big eyes.
Now, I’m an animal lover. All animals are dear to me. PETA activists believe animals should be treated as more important than humans. I disagree. That said, I’m advocating the ultimate punishment for the leaders of these soul-destroying “experiments.” There can be no reasonable explanation or rationale about the research they were doing. Though I for one need very much to hear them squirm and hem & haw. If the subject weren’t so horrendous, I’d be laughing heartily at the sight of such worthless and weak creatures trying to justify their atrocities.
Here’s an idea: Let’s take these people and perform similar unnecessary tests ON THEM.
Francis X. Collins, Fauci’s spineless boss should be duct-taped face-to-face with his subordinate and together they should have their collective empty skulls inserted into a cage swarming with famished sand flies for about ten minutes or so until their heads are covered with bites and swelling. Then they should be taken apart and taped together mouth-to-mouth in a filthy prison cell. I would consider five years imprisonment to be reasonable.
Many people are not aware that Nazis executed disgusting and inhumane experiments on animals. The Nazis also used the cruelty against humanity to torture and kill human beings. These were also for “medical research.”
I feel vindicated that Fauci is now a proven monster … yet still unsatisfied. To satisfy me, the culprit must pay a penalty–in this case a very serious one–and be brought to justice.