Professor Turley Says ‘Voldemort-like’ Hillary Will Avoid Responsibility in Durham Probe – Opinion

George Washington University law professor and self-proclaimed liberal Jonathan Turley said Friday on Fox News’ “Special Report” that Hillary Clinton will probably avoid “direct responsibility” in the Durham probe because of her “Voldemort-like status.”

Apropos of nothing, but since we’re busy comparing public figures to Harry Potter characters, I would like to point out that our short-lived disinformation czar Nina Jankowicz can be compared to similarly temporary-tenured Hogwarts Headmistress Dolores Umbridge. Just sayin’.

Now, back to the main point. Appearing with host Bret Baier on “Special Report,” Turley predicted Clinton would escape consequences like she always seems to. Rather than edit this down, I will let the professor’s words speak for themselves:

Hillary Clinton always held a Voldemort-like position of being the one who should not be identified in scandals. The Clintons are able avoid being directly responsible for a number of scandals. And here was her campaign manager effectively dropping the dime on his former boss and saying, “Look, she approved it. She knew about it.”

Now, the reason that’s important is that this claim was utterly ridiculous. It didn’t have a basis. The government rejected the idea quickly, as it had no foundation. However, the Clinton campaign supported it. Jake Sullivan, the current national security adviser and Clinton themselves pushed this Alfa Bank story. Keep in mind that Obama was informed that Hillary Clinton planned to bring a Russian conspiracy claim against Donald Trump during his presidency. This was to help her sort out her emails issues.

And we now have someone saying, “Yeah, she green-lighted the Alfa Bank claims,” which were completely without foundation. It is quite common for the Clintons to avoid direct accountability in some scandals. I believe that this will also be true here.

With the exception of false statements made to federal investigators, there’s not a lot that can be brought for charges against a wide array of individuals. That’s why the special counsel investigation is so important, if he can produce a report that finally sheds light on how this extraordinary campaign unfolded through the Clinton campaign.

Turley posted Saturday’s tweet regarding the Michael Sussmann case:

Turley is referring to Special Counsel John Durham’s prosecution of former Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann. According to Durham, Sussmann lied when he claimed he wasn’t acting on behalf of any client when he told former FBI official James Baker about the false Alfa Bank allegation, which supposedly revealed a backchannel between the Trump organization and Russia. The trial proves that Sussmann worked in fact for Hillary Clinton’s campaign.

On Friday, former campaign manager Robby Mook directly implicated Hillary Clinton in the scandal, admitting that She Who Must Not Be Named “signed” off on the dissemination of the false Alfa Bank story.

Turley is usually right on the money, but let’s hope he’s wrong about Hillary skating. Clinton was behind—or at least knew of—one of the most insidious disinformation plots in our nation’s history, the Russia Collusion conspiracy, which hobbled our president for two years and cost this country in incalculable ways.

Harry Potter defeated Voldemort. It’s high time for Durham to do the same to She Who Must Not Be Named.

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