Joe Biden didn’t walk back his three major gaffes. They weren’t gaffes because his notes told him so. His string-pullers told him the best tack was to tack to the left’s favorite “It never happened”. Biden needs to be reminded to write his own name every time he takes a picture of his notes. Unless it’s on his teleprompter or in his notes, he’s liable to step on his own tongue.
He’s an embarrassment. Sycophants praised his teleprompter reading like he’s JFK or Reagan.
Reagan or JFK didn’t have to require staff to walk back what they said, ten minutes later.
A doddering, demented embarrassment to himself who cannot even read his Teleprompter without messing up the text.
Dude, we get it, you hate Trump. Biden ain’t JFK. Biden isn’t Millard Fillmore.— Dr. Jimmytoons, Prince of Puns & Knight Templar (@JimmySportToons) March 27, 2022
The world knows that he’s a nincompoop.