Potty-Mouth: Morning Joe, Mocking Trump, Mentions ‘Toilets’ 14 x in Opening Minutes

It’s a great way to have a potty smile! 

Joe Scarborough leads the charge [dis]The charge Morning JoeIn its initial minutes on Friday, the crew mentioned 14 times “toilets”. Trump insiders have been the target of liberal media bombing.

We’ve talked before about Scarborough getting on his hobbyhorse and riding a favorite phrase into the ground. Scarborough on his hobbyhorse and riding a favorite phrase into the ground is how it sounds this morning. . . commode.


Morning JoeOf course, it was about making the most out of New York TimesMaggie Haberman, reporter, reports in a portion of her forthcoming book about Trump that Trump flushed papers down White House toilets and sometimes clogged them.

Mika Brzezinski seemed dismayed at the constant mentions of toilets by her husband [see screencap], despite being the first on Friday’s show to trot out the T-word.

Even David Ignatius, the usually stoic David Ignatius from the Washington Post He embraced the scatological Zeitgeist and even mentioned “a classified joke about the toilet”

Note: Morning JoeCrew’s 14 references to toilets. The show also featured in the opening six minutes, a mix-up by Trump about six toilets.

PS. They were still together in 2014, four years prior to their marriage. Morning JoeA parody video was made of Mika and Joe’s morning routine. It included a funny toilet joke. toilet. Others with similar cell phone numbers are also present.

Potty-mouth Morning Joe mentioning toilets 14 times in its first six minutes was sponsored in part by Liberty Mutual, Google, E*Trade, and GlaxoSmithKline, maker of Voltaren.

The transcript is here.

Morning Joe
6:00 am ET

MIKA BRZEZINSKI – All other reports such as putting them into the toilet 

JOE SCARBOROUGH: He’s denying that about putting it in the toilet . . . Some claim that Kim Jong-yn made most of his calls while he was away from home. toilet. It’s possible that some say it. . . Also, this toilet thing, there’s a toilet This guy is my obsession.

. . . 

WILLIEGEIST: Yes. The phone call to the toiletIt’s offensive and, as a matter of generality, . . A few years ago, he complained about the weather. toiletsAnd the water flow. He said that some of these were his. toiletsYou need to flush it 10-15 times before it goes away completely.

. . . 

SCARBOROUGH:  He has classified papers that he took to Mar-a-Lago that, you know, probably reading on the toilet . . . Mika. Because I know that you are passionate about Donald Trump. toilet Obsession . . Yes, mosquitoes are a strange obsession. toilets.

. . . 

MIKA: We can do the toilet Talk aside.

DAVID IGNATIUS – We are going to look at a classified toilet joke: don’t you get it?

MIKA: Oh, my God! David Ignatius please don’t do this again! Don’t goad him. OK, now I will move onto the news of today. That is very funny. I saw it on Twitter, as golden toilets—people were having fun with it.  

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