PolitiFact or Politi-Faceplant? Maria Bartiromo’s Take on Russian Oil Was True, Not ‘Mostly False’!

In the latest of their fatuous “fact checks” that rate something “Mostly False” as they acknowledge it’s actually true, PolitiFact took after Fox News host Maria Bartiromo for saying this to fellow Fox host Jesse Watters on his Primetime show on February 22: “Our (oil imports) from Russia have increased by more than 50% in the last one year.

PolitiFact published this headline below its February 28 issue: 

In the past year, oil imports to America from Russia were not increased by more than half

But in their “If Your Time Is Short” summary, they noted she was right on crude oil: 

In the last 12 months, America imported more crude oil than Russia.Russia will account for only 3% in total U.S. crude oils imports by 2021.

This video shows the Bartiromo case. 

BARTIROMO: By the way, the United States is also reliant on Russian oil. We have doubled our imports from Russia in the last year. It is no surprise that President Biden has asked OPEC to increase oil production.

PolitiFact rookie Yacob Ryes tried to confound oil imports with refined petroleum, in just five articles. 

Russia supplies the U.S. with crude oil, as well refined products, such as gasoline or kerosene. The United States imported 840,000 barrels of oil per day from Russia last June. Petroleum products and crude oilRussia. 

This increase resulted in Russia edging out Mexico to become the second-largest foreign oil supplier to the U.S. in 2021, behind only Canada — which accounts for almost half of U.S. oil imports. 

Historically, this is a notable increase — about 28% — but it is far from double.

When we asked the Fox Business Network about Bartiromo’s remarks, a spokesperson pointed to the growth in crude oil imports alone. 

On the same home page, PolitiFact was awarding a “Mostly True” rating to Joe Biden for saying “Millions of hardworking Americans will no longer have to worry about unexpected medical bills.”

Conservative Twitter did not seem amused. Reagan Battalion 


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