It PBS NewsHourWill spotlight New York TimesWhen they are in love with them, David Brooks is their panelist and writes columns. It’s getting worse: Trumpians are experiencing a vicious panic attack.
Brooks, who wrote the critical column “The Self-Isolation and American Left” this week, did not do it. This is too conservative
PBS’ Friday panel has been discussing schools and Critical Race Theory for two weeks. Liberals lie and deny that CRT can be taught in America. Brooks reports on how the Left has fallen into a troubling bubble.
Loudoun County Public School Administrators Training Course “fostering independence and individual achievement” is a hallmark of “white individualism.”
The Williams College professor spoke out in support of The Times last week, “From a world that was dominated by white men, the idea of intellectual debate as the peak of intellectualism stems from the notion of intellectual rigor and rigor..”
Brooks says that discussion of race is being overtaken ideologically by a superstructure. PBS hasn’t heard Brooks speak of any of the above analysis, and PBS won’t even mention it.
History is the story of power struggles between oppressors, oppressed groups. The history of Western civilization includes a particularly brutal pattern of oppression. language is frequently a weapon in this oppression and must sometimes be regulated to ensure safety; actions and statements that do not explicitly challenge systems of oppression are racist; the way to address racism is to heighten white people’s awareness of their own toxic whiteness, so they can purge it.
Today a lot of parents have trouble knowing what’s going on in their kids’ classrooms. Are they telling the truth or the gospel as Robin DiAngelo would say?
There are a few responses that they get when they confront what they feel is going on. They are told, as by Virginia’s Democratic gubernatorial candidate, that parents shouldn’t tell schools what to teach. Some people tell them they’re racist. Or they are blithely assured that there is nothing radical going on — when in fact there might be.
Sometimes legislators and parents respond by uttering nonsense about critical races theory or legalizing their forms of ideologic censorship. However, their intuitions at the core are sound. Sometimes, a subculture uses its cultural power in order to assert its view and sometimes intimidate others.
If people feel that culturally powerful individuals are trying to impose their ideas on their families, they can expect a swift and furious reaction.
Brooks mentioned even the difference in opinion between the critics of movies and the general movie audience. Brooks cited the Rotten Tomatoes gap. The film Hillbilly ElegyThis website has an 83 per cent positive audience score and a 25-percent positive critics score. That’s a huge difference, or 58 per cent. The latest Dave Chappelle special on Netflix has a 96 percent positive audience score, but “A small group of people found it a moral atrocity and the current critic score is 44 percent positive. That’s a 52-point gap.” His own newspaper and his own TV family belong to this bubble.