Parents Protest After New School Hires Elementary Teacher Who Was Disciplined Due to ‘Queer’ TikTok Teaching – Opinion

Jenna Hall was an elementary school teacher who returned to the classroom after she was disciplined by her former school for speaking to her students about their sexuality. TikTok was her platform for explaining to the students what she said.

The video posted by “Libs of TikTok” has reached 1.8 million views thus far. Hall stated that he recorded the TikTok while Hall was recording it.

“A lot of them are queer because I’m queer, and they figured it out, and so I’ve become their safe space.”

Hall added that students who visited her classroom put a “queer” spin while playing “Guess Who.”

She stated:

“This person looks like a lesbian baddie who’s going to come over and make you dinner,” and “Which character just looks gay?”

Some parents were hesitant to show their support when they first saw the TikTok. They said they were worried that Hall would bring sexual orientation into class discussions.

The TikTok was followed by the Renaissance Academy.

“In the video, the teacher described several inappropriate conversations with former students … Our teachers are expected to comport themselves with the highest degree of professionalism. Behavior that is unprofessional, in violation of state code, or that violates the trust placed in us by the families of Renaissance Academy will not be tolerated.”

After backlash about the TikTok TikTok video, Hall and Renaissance Academy, Lehi (Utah) parted ways in May.

Corrine Johnson was the Utah Parents United public relations director.

“I think parents across Utah, when we see things like this, you can’t help but feel a little bit violated.”

“That is a parent’s domain — values, attitudes and beliefs of their children to be shaped by parents. And these topics, they do stray into the realm of religion,”

Hall recently announced that she started working at a new school in a TikTok video.

“Right now, my school is a brand new school, so none of the kids know each other, so we’re working on those social-emotional skills to know how to make friends and what good friends do.”

A parent told the Daily Wire: “Jenna Hall should not even be around children, let alone teach a second-grade class.”

Hall’s hiring by another school, knowing the things she told students and her plans for controlling what and how people think is scandalous. It is wrong for teachers to involve students in theories and beliefs. This is wrong. Beehive Science and Technology Academy has hired her. They are now rewarding her for her words and encouraging her to talk to children about subjects that do not relate to their curriculum.

The parent said:

“Our kids deserve more from our teachers. Beehive members removed their children from public schools in order to achieve academic excellence and not be influenced by politics. Children groomers like Ms. Hall seem to have few choices. Therefore, my family and others with similar concerns have decided to fight back.”

Hanifi Oguz, the Academy Director, emailed the Daily Wire.

“Since its inception, Beehive Science and Technology Academy has been a strong advocate of human rights for all of its students and staff members. This school is opposed to discrimination of any kind. Diversity of beliefs and cultures helps encourage an environment of growth and acceptance among all of us.”

“Due to privacy laws, we will not be discussing the qualifications of the individual in question. However, we can assure you that this person—like all of our staff members—has been carefully vetted and interviewed. We’re confident that all of our students will benefit from this individual’s presence on our campus,”

The left confuses them, which is a mistake. No one is saying that people shouldn’t have their beliefs or discriminate against other people. The parents are arguing that the topics Hall and other teachers discussed with students shouldn’t be brought near children or classrooms. The children should learn the basic fundamentals in school — math, English, writing, reading, etc. — not about sexual orientation, gender identity, or the use of “proper” pronouns, which is the message these parents are sending by protesting.

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