Paramount’s awful Halo live action series is in need of repartee. This is how they can do it.
A common trend not too long ago was streaming services removing episodes from shows that contained content that wasn’t considered too taboo at the time but is considered controversial today. A few years ago, Netflix infamously removed an episode from “The Office” and “Community” for black-face jokes.
Naturally, because one corporation did it, the woke culture censorship brigades will feel emboldened to come after other companies, but Paramount isn’t playing along.
According to Bounding Into Comics, Paramount CEO Bob Bakish is telling the easily offended that he won’t be deleting anything from any show as he respects the art and sensibilities of the times they were made from, adding that if you are offended by the content, then don’t watch it:
Bakish broached the topic of his studio’s historical catalog while fielding questions from The Guardian regarding recent rumors that Paramount may be interested in purchasing and subsequently privatizing local British broadcaster Channel 4 – all of which he ultimately declined to comment on.
“By definition, you have some things that were made in a different time and reflect different sensibilities,” he told the outlet. “I don’t believe in censoring art that was made historically, that’s probably a mistake.”
Addressing audience members who may at any time feel compelled to call for a given piece of content to be outright removed from availability, he added, “It’s all on demand – you don’t have to watch anything you don’t want to.”
It’s a simple concept that seems lost on the easily offended. Social justice obsessed people, for example, think that anyone who finds it offensive should not be permitted to view it. This is true for all mediums.
The gaming site Steam faced similar requests at one time. Some games, which dealt with violence, politics and gender, were supposed to be censored, but Valve (the company who owned Steam) refused.
It was wise.
Paramount and Steam are no longer under the control of outside forces who are more interested in maintaining stories than morality. They are no longer at risk of alienating groups who disagree with their call for censorship by refusing to remove episodes that were influenced by the opinions of one group. It allows it to easily increase its customer base.
But more importantly, this move is treating its customers with respect, allowing them to decide for themselves what is and isn’t appropriate for viewing. Instead of allowing a small group to decide for everyone else, Paramount has said that its viewers shouldn’t be limited to others’ sentiments.
They’re treating their customers like adults.
Paramount might, just like many other companies in the past. However, this move is in the right direction and will allow them to get out of their grip. It’s not likely going to experience a full turnaround from leftist control for some time, but it’s a move toward it.