On Jim Acosta’s Show, ‘Legend’ Sam Donaldson Compares Trump to Al Capone

Sam  Donaldson is absolutely sure that Donald Trump is guilty of something. Although he doesn’t know the details of the crimes, he knows the solution. He should be tried for something minor, such as the mishandling of documents. Sam came up with an example that worked. Al Capone.

Donaldson shared his Al Capone concept on Sunday. CNN NewsroomJim Acosta, an ex-White House shouter, interviewed Sam while he was being interviewed. Acosta declared Sam a “broadcasting icon”.


JIM ACOSTA – Over your career you have seen everything from Vietnam to Watergate, the Clinton impeachment to the Iraq war and now top secret documents from the house of an ex-president who refuses to acknowledge he lost an electoral election. Sam Donaldson asks how this story should be presented.

SAM DONALDSON (Speaker): I was shocked to learn that the FBI took from my father’s safe, and many other locations, documents that should have been kept somewhere else. This could be considered a violation to the 1917 Espionage Act. This is a serious offense.

Al Capone was what I remembered. Al Capone, who was a huge gangster during the 1920s and 1930s, took millions of illegal whiskey gallons, as well as proving that he was responsible for many deaths. They never tried to bring him to trial.

Wait a minute. Al Capone was evading income taxes and the IRS found that he had done so. They brought him to trial. He was sent to prison and died there.

If there is insufficient evidence to support the assertion that the country does not have the legal authority to charge a president with obstruction or insurrection, what about violations of laws like the Espionage Act which protect the nation?

Credible evidence would be more convincing. I believe that the majority of Americans would agree with me. Let’s look at what the peers of his jury have to say. It would be great to have it.

First of all, Sam, Al Capone did not die in prison. In 1939, he was freed from jail and was able to leave Miami Beach where he died in 1947. And if it is too difficult to try Trump for insurrection or obstruction of justice, it seems pretty silly to think the solution is to charge him with violating the Espionage Act of 2017 especially since DOJ officials went through the documents in question at Mar-a-Lago in June and no charges ensued. 

Donaldson’s vilification of Trump was a bitter end for his followers.

Assuming that’s done all of this explanation is correct, but if Donald J. Trump or his supporters have not spoken in the past five years, or longer, and regardless of any other evidence, and regardless of their eyes showing them anything else, then we won’t be able convincing them. It’s not possible to say, “Hey, take a look at this evidence. Take a look at it.” They won’t look at it.

They’re losing and it’s a loss that I believe. But, as you all know, Americans are good friends and citizens. We won’t allow them to take over the United States, and we will not let them do so. Donald J. Trump, his band of merry men really lost.

Sam calls them “lost”, but are they so ignorant of historical facts that they believe Al Capone was executed in prison?

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