While Joe Biden might be “the big guy” referenced in emails on his grifter son Hunter’s laptop, as in “10 held by H for the big guy” in describing equity allocation percentages on the grifter son’s “business dealings,” when it comes to The Big GuyBarack Obama, the leader of the Democratic Party, still holds supreme.
As the U.S.S. Biden continues to take on water and Joe’s “trusty” second mate Kamala Harris hopelessly bobs atop the threatening waves in her own dinghy nearby, The Big Guy is scheduled to make his first return to the White House since leaving office in an obvious attempt to save the not-so-good ship Biden from the briny deep.
As for the dingbat in the dinghy, that one is anybody’s guess.
The Hill reported the following: Chicago Jesus Obama is scheduled to participate in an event celebrating his namesake Obamacare — officially the misnomered Affordable Care Act — at the White House on Tuesday, according to a White House agenda.
ObamaTogether with President Biden and Vice President Harris, is scheduled to “deliver remarks celebrating the success of the Affordable Care Act and Medicaid in extending affordable health insurance to millions of Americans as part of the President’s agenda to cut costs for American families,” according to the White House.
Uh-huh. Let’s “celebrate the success” of Obamacare ourselves a bit before we continue, shall we?
Obama’s “If you like your healthcare plan, you can keep it” promise was named Politifact’s 2013 Lie of the Year. He made the same promise about “your doctor,” with the same results. O promised that family insurance premiums would fall by $2,500 the first year. IncreasingMore than 60% increase in four years.
And O’s “You’ll have more access to health care” promise? It’s a complete piece of junk, considering that hundreds of thousands of providers of healthcare have opted out from Obamacare exchange plans.
As for the current occupant of the Oval Office, the White House, on March 23, marked the 12th anniversary of the plan about which House Speaker Nancy Pelosi infamously said in 2010, “So we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it.” They passed it. We discovered what was inside it. It was horrible. That’s the end of this story.
Now let’s talk about why The Guy is It is reallyHeading to the White House. While the Biden presidency has been an unmitigated disaster — much of it, purposely so — from Day One, the following recent RedState headlines paint a clear picture of a bad situation that has only continued to worsen.
A New Survey: Black Voters Have Some Shocking News For Joe Biden and the Dems
Biden Gives Up on Renewable Energy: A Clean-up Continues Another Day
Head of U.S. European Command Admits Biden’s Plan to Stop Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine Was Worthless
As the number of disasters continues to mount, so do the headlines. Obama can spin all he wants about Biden, including Super Glue and duct tape. But Biden is still Biden. He’s dangerously and desperately out of control. He is being controlled by the radical left. He is also controlled by the radical left.
I’m deeply proud of the work [Jill is]Being the first lady [the]Michelle Obama was Vice President when Michelle launched the Joining Forces initiative.
You can’t “fix” this guy, O.
America, Way to Go https://t.co/7SnPSKG38c
— Kira (@RealKiraDavis) April 2, 2022
Oh! Obamacare remains a lie.
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