NY Times Reporter Decries GOP ‘Assault’ on Judge Jackson — Worse Than Thomas in 1991??

After his repulsive front-page piece March 25 excoriating Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee for their supposedly racist treatment of Biden’s Supreme Court nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson, New York Times reporter Carl Hulse announced some Republicans would vote yes in the upcoming confirmation vote on Tuesday’s front page: “Cracks Appear in G.O.P.’s Opposition to Jackson.”

Jackson may be on the brink of victory but Hulse still bitterly attacks committee Republicans for questioning her record.

Biden received at most a modest amount of bipartisan backing from the three Republicans ahead of Thursday’s confirmation vote.

It was also a contrast to bitterly divided debate about Judge Jackson in which Republicans on a panel of judges attacked Jackson as an “amoral” person.Liberal partisan with questionable records glossing over her qualifications and experience in hearings that featured the airing of conservative grievances, accusations of leniency toward child sexual abusers and divisive questions, including how she would define the word “woman.”

Hulse began to look for prominent conservatives who would support him. 

While they did not dispute the import of Judge Jackson’s nomination nor her legal qualifications, Even though some conservatives called them baseless, the Republicans on committee continued to rail against her across a number of fronts.. They criticized the sentences she handed down in child sex abuse cases, her refusal to state a personal judicial philosophy, her past representation of terrorism detainees as a public defender and her deep support among progressive advocacy groups.

Hulse hypocritically longed for the good old days when Congress reliably rubber-stamped a president’s Supreme Court nominees. Do you not recall the Republican-nominated Robert Bork’s treatment, Clarence Thomas and Brett Kavanaugh? It was terrible that Sen. Lindsey Graham opposed it:

This was an indication of the bitterness in which the chamber is divided over the approval of Supreme Court nominees. Members of both parties once considered it a matter of allowing the president to be on the court.

This time he didn’t defend Democratic treatment of Judge Brett Kavanaugh, but reached further back to ludicrously imply that Democrats sheathed their claws during the Clarence Thomas hearings.

Though Republicans complained about past Democratic treatment of Supreme Court nominees named by Republicans, Monday’s meeting was far different from the one Democrats held when they considered the nomination of Clarence Thomas in 1991, when Mr. Biden led the panel. The Democrats decided not to unite against him, but to simply send his nomination to them without making a recommendation, in spite of deep reservations about allegations that he had been subject to sexual harassment. Republicans were hesitant to do the same on Monday because they felt Judge Jackson was too liberal.

At the very least, Republicans continued to vote against Jackson. Democrats The Judiciary Committee boycotted voting for Trump nominee Amy Coney Barrett 2020.

Hulse had to quote Sen. Cory Booker, who asked how Jackson could be questioned “who has done all right in her own life.” Hulse then found “independent analysts”, which would support the Democrats.

Democrats defended Judge Jackson’s record, noting — According to several independent analysts — that her sentencing history has fallen well within the mainstream of the federal judiciary, and accusing Republicans and conservative groups of distorting her record….

Hulse not once but twice uses term “assault” to describe Republican criticism.

Democrats condemned the Republican attackIt was just as much about Judge Jackson’s upcoming midterm elections, as it was about Judge Jackson.


“The principal goal here is about stirring up political division and scoring political points,” said Senator Chris Coons, Democrat of Delaware.

They were able to support the Republicans and withstand the attacks by their fellow Republicans

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