NY Times Op-Ed Says Anti-Woke Catholicism is Hip. Lefties Fume.

The United States is beginning to see Catholicism as a significant conservative force. People are paying attention. Recent research has shown that Catholicism is a significant conservative force in the United States. New York TimesOpinion piece First things Editor Julia Yost says that Catholicism’s rebellion against modern woke ideas of morality gives it a “transgressive” and “hip” perception. On Twitter, both left-wingers as well as faithful Catholics have been provoking conversations about this article.

The article details the rise of Catholicism in the “Dimes Square” area of NYC, and its embrace of staunch Catholicism by some of its residents. Yost posits Catholics’ place in society in opposition to liberalism.

“Catholicism again stands athwart political progress and norms governing sex and gender. It violates a liberal-progressive dispensation that many young Americans find both malign and banal,” and “For reasons substantive or stylistic, it is possible to prefer a system in which our moral obligations are not exhausted by the avoidance of wrongthink on race and patriarchy.”

Absolutely not NYTThis op-ed contained material that was insanely insane, but libs weren’t. Look at this:

What do they know about the goodness that Catholicism does for the world, despite their own personal experience? These are the ones that have the cognitive bias. 

Michael Knowles, The Daily Wire’s editor, gave the article a high-five for its writing.

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