Nurse Films Herself Being Escorted Out of Hospital She Worked Through Pandemic In Over Vaccination Status – Opinion

One nurse from California was filmed being taken out of Kaiser Permanente Hospital for refusing to get the COVID-19 vaccine.

The Washington Examiner reported that the video was viral and had been liked over 130k times as of the writing. The nurse explains to the camera that she asked why she was being kicked out even after she said that her religious beliefs stopped her from getting the vaccine and why this wasn’t a good enough reason to be exempt.

“I am being escorted out of Kaiser Permanente hospital for my religious beliefs because I don’t want to get the jab,” she said. “And I asked all day for someone to explain to me why my sincerely held religious beliefs are not good enough for Kaiser, and no one was able to do that for me.”

She stated that many nurses stood by her and asked viewers to consider their freedom.


A Powerful Statement of Conviction Powerful Statement Of Conviction

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After the visit, the nurse recorded a video follow-up. She stated that freedom is important to her. Kaiser thanked her for the money and noted that Kaiser pays well but the devil is in details.

“All I want to do is work. Since the beginning, I’ve been a COVID nurse — since the beginning, when we didn’t know what was going on, when we didn’t know what kind of rooms we were walking into,” she said. “But that’s what we do. We’re nurses, and I’ll keep doing that — just somewhere else.”

“I am willing to lose my safety and security, my house, everything, for my freedom, and I want you to think about that,” the nurse urged.


It is Sad We Have Let This Happen. #nurse #doctor #Religion #Freedom #patriots #doctors #powerful #oakland #California #brave #Hero #wakeup #standup

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Kaiser Permanente provided a statement to The Washington Examiner stating that they respect the religious beliefs and values of employees, but also that many exemption requests were based on free or paid online templates.

“In reviewing exemption requests, we noticed that many employees submitted similar or nearly identical requests containing language taken word-for-word from free and paid templated online forms. This led us to review our exemption process again and revise many exemption submissions. It will not be a problem to continue working with those employees seeking exemptions for religious and medical reasons. Our employees should not be forced to quit their job in order to get vaccinated.

OK. What’s the matter?

Do you think the hospital needed personalized essays? What is the reason a religious exemption request can be accepted or denied based on similarity with other religious exemption requests? This isn’t a school test where one student could get in trouble for copying off of another. There’s no plagiarism rule here. It’s a request for a religious exemption to a vaccine meant to help with a virus that has a 99 percent survival rate.

Kaiser continued to discuss why the nurse was not granted her exemption.

“In the instance of this employee, she was informed that she needed to speak with Human Resources about her exemption request, not her manager or the facility leadership. This is part of our process, designed to protect our employees’ privacy and confidentiality. Exemption requests and all information are confidential personal information. The employee who was involved in the case could have contacted HR to ask questions or get information on next steps regarding the vaccine requirement. We are going to help her with all her questions and continue working with employees seeking exemptions from vaccinations because of legitimate religious and medical reasons.

Although it is permissible for the nurse to not have gone through all the necessary channels, she will be excused under company policy. The first paragraph sounds like the nurse did. It was claimed that several employees had submitted copies of the same request. Why bring that up in regards to the inquiry about this nurse first if she hadn’t? Do you think she gave it to her superior, when HR was to receive it? If that’s the case, why didn’t her superior hand it to HR if her superior took it?

There are many questions floating around, but one should be the most important.

Already, there is a severe shortage of doctors in the medical profession. We are making matters worse by mandating vaccines. This is especially true when COVID cases continue to plummet.


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