Novak Djokovic Stands Up To Australia’s Vaccine Tyranny

Novak Djokovic, without doubt, is one of the most outstanding tennis players in our time. However, Novak Djokovic is frequently portrayed as the villain of tennis due to his racket-smashing and willingness to challenge the standard of gentlemanly, level-headed players. After his protest against the Australian government, the villain may now be the hero of a larger cause.

Ahead of the Australian Open, the first leg of the tennis Grand Slam that is set to be held in January, Australian Minister for Immigration Alex Hawke said that anyone wishing to enter the country, not just tennis players, must be “double vaccinated” to cross their border.

Djokovic responded to the command using the same force and one of his servings. He told the local Serbian media that

I will not reveal my status whether I have been vaccinated or not, it is a private matter and an inappropriate inquiry … People go too far these days in taking the liberty to ask questions and judge a person. Whatever you say — ‘Yes, no, maybe, I am thinking about it,’ they will take advantage.

Djokovic’s courage and resistance to bullying from the Australian government seems to have paid off. Tennis Australia, which is the national governing body of tennis, said yesterday that non-vaccinated players would be permitted to compete in the tournament provided they have a two week quarantine. This goes against the original intention to have everyone vaccinated.

Djokovic’s convicted stance against tyranny is without a doubt a major victory for unvaccinated players and it is what likely forced Tennis Australia to change course (after all, how could they afford to forgo the millions they would lose in revenue if Djokovic refused to join the tournament?). However, it also highlights a much more significant lesson on how easy it is to resist bullies or tyrants.

All Djokovic said was he wouldn’t disclose his vaccination status, even after the Australian government tried to intimidate and threaten him. The tyrants changed their position after Djokovic, a Serbian tennis player, stood firm to his conviction.

Only courage can turn the tide against a crisis in freedom. We’ve seen it in tennis, and hopefully we’ll see it elsewhere too.

Maybe even in our own borders …

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