North Carolina Supreme Court Enacts a Full-Scale Judicial Coup – Opinion

North Carolina’s Supreme Court has made one of the most insane judicial decisions in the nation’s history, and that’s absolutely not hyperbole.

In what can only be described as a full-scale judicial coup, the Democrat-controlled body has ruled that the North Carolina General Assembly is illegitimate and can not enact amendments to the state’s constitution. What is their reasoning? That the state’s legislature is “gerrymandered.”

The amendments in question were to enshrine the state’s voter ID law and to put in place an income tax cap. Those are now in limbo after the Democrat supreme court decided it has supremacy over the duly-elected officials of North Carolina’s voters. It’s hard to put into words how crazy that is and how dangerous of a precedent it is. This is the same court that ruled earlier in the year that the general assembly can’t draw its own congressional map, representing one of the few GOP failures regarding redistricting in a red state.

Democrats currently hold a 4-3 majority on the court, a dynamic almost certain to change after November’s elections where the GOP is favored to take a 5-2 majority. So the good news here is that this insane judicial coup won’t last long. That it’s gotten to this point is still dangerous, though. What happens when courts across the country decide that oppositional legislatives are not legitimate?

The US Supreme Court may have some words to offer.

November can’t get here soon enough. Democrats across the country are completely out of control, and the only thing that’s going to stop this is voters putting Republicans in office at all levels. Judges cannot declare entire government branches illegal or limit their elected power for purely political reasons. These Democrats didn’t want voter ID enshrined, so they invented this ruling out of whole cloth, backed by absolutely nothing at all. It’s time to send them a message at the polls.

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