Merrick Garland, Attorney General kept TV stations and reporters waiting for him (and filling time on air) for over a half hour before finally coming out to make a short statement. He did not answer any questions. The FBI had taken an unprecedented action by raiding the house of a former President. It wasn’t a display of transparency.
The networks tried to present Garland as reasonable and nonpartisan — insisting Of course, he mustYou have good reasons for the raid. An ABC reporter then turned on the public to scare them with neo-Nazis ripping Garland off message boards. He is Jewish — And it appears that all Garland’s critics are now associated with extremists.
Wall Street JournalKimberly Strassel, columnist predicts that Republicans will take Congress. “The Payback Will be Brutal.” She wrote “to read the left’s media scribes, Monday’s search was a ho-hum day in crime-fighting. The Beltway press circled the wagons around Attorney General Merrick Garland and primly parroted Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s piety that “no one is above the law.”
Democrats could be betting on negative media coverage from Mr. Trump to help them in the November election or in 2024. They’d better hope so. The boomerang history and long-term political risk of violating norms and precedents is ignored by their media supporters.
Today’s wrap-up is a conversation with our summer interns, Aidan Moorehouse and Emma Schultz. We feel hopeful about the future because our interns get right to “news-busting.”
You can listen to it below or anywhere else you like podcasts.
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