For a long time New York Times reporter and columnist Nicholas Kristof officially announced he’s running for Governor of Oregon — as a Democrat, of course. Kristof, who has been with the liberal newspaper for 37 years, resigned as columnist earlier this month.
After you have joined the Times in 1984, initially covering economics, he served as a Times correspondent in Los Angeles, Hong Kong, Beijing, and Tokyo. Associate managing editor, he rose to the top. responsible for Sunday editions. For most of the century, he has been a columnist.
In an interview with Portland’s KGW-TV, he said “It was a wonderful perch, but when your friends and people you deeply care about are suffering, and you’re attending funeral after funeral, then that perch and writing columns that are read in the White House doesn’t mean as much as knowing that you’re going to be going to another funeral,” Kristof said. His latest book is It’s a tightrope.He reported that more than 25% of his students who were on the school bus with him died. This is his campaign pitch and makes journalism more noble than careers politicians.
“I have never run for political office in my life. But my life has been a journey of light shining in the darkness.
KGW heard Kristof tell KGW that three of his priorities include “homelessness and affordable housing”, improving the state’s education system, and creating good jobs. Kristof spoke especially about climate technology in order to build a Silicon Valley.
His problem is going to be carpet-bagger. The primary opposition will point out that the state constitution stipulates that any candidate for Governor must be Oregon residents for at least three consecutive years.
Ten Democratic candidates, Kristof included, have announced or filed their candidate for governor. Gov. Kate Brown has reached her term limit and can’t run again.
Joseph Wulfsohn from Fox News recalls that Kristof, in one column tried to downplay Portland’s radical element.
“I’ve been on the front lines of the protests here, searching for the “radical-left anarchists” who President Trump says are on Portland streets each evening,” Kristof began the piece. “I thought I’d found one: a man who for weeks leapt into the fray and has been shot four times with impact munitions yet keeps coming back. It was obvious that he would be an anarchist. But no, he turned out to be Dr. Bryan Wolf, a radiologist who wears his white doctor’s jacket and carries a sign with a red cross and the words ‘humanitarian aid.’ He pleads with federal forces not to shoot or gas protesters.”
“OK, I’ll fess up: Sure there are anarchists and antifa activists in the Portland protests, just as there are radiologists and electricians, lawyers and mechanics. The ground report is here, and it feels too simplified. The protesters aren’t all peaceful, nor are they primarily violent. They’re a complicated weave, differing by time of day,” Kristof later wrote….
“If you want to call one side ‘rioters’ or ‘anarchists’ working to create tumult in Portland, it’s the uninvited feds who qualify,” Kristof added.
Kristof has many powerful friends. Jeffrey Toobin, his Harvard Harvard classmate declared that he was not surprised for him to emerge as the moral conscience in our generation of journalists. It is a surprise to me that he has been called the Indiana Jones generation of journalists.