NEW NewsBusters Podcast: GOP Wins Nudge Liberal Channels Into Critical Rage Theories

It’s time for the post-election Bitter Tears Edition of the NewsBusters Podcast, recounting the media meltdowns as the Republicans took over all the statewide elections in Virginia and retook the House of Delegates. 

When our media Democrats figure out they’re going to lose, the anger about the “whitelash” is guaranteed. Journalists are more likely to lose politicians than they might be. They often claimed that Republicans used white terror with Critical Race Theory to exploit their fear. It is said that it was a ghost and a fabrication. Taxpayer-funded NPR called it an “imaginary take.”

Glenn Youngkin separated himself from Trump and ran a campaign that was low on insults and mean tweets, but CNN’s Van Jones slimed him as the “Delta variant of Trumpism,” which spreads its virus more easily. Jack Ciatterelli looked nearly tied to Governor and was virtually ignored by networks. Phil Murphy, an incumbent Democrat. What if the networks hadn’t ignored him and dismissed him as doomed? 

You can listen to it below or anywhere else you like podcasts. 


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