After spending days beating a dead horse with their fake news coverage claiming Border Patrol agents were “whipping” Haitian migrants, the liberal broadcast networks ignored the news that the agents involved were all cleared of alleged wrongdoing.
Loyal NewsBusters readers may remember in September that ABC’s World News Tonight After the agents had been placed on desk duty, he was quick to celebrate.
However, now that the agents are in the clear, all three networks ABC’s World News Tonight, CBS Evening News NBC Nightly News were more interested in covering local weather reports, The Library of Congress adding new songs to their registry, and El Salvador using Bitcoin as their national currency.
Despite the blackout from the networks, Fox News Channel’s Special Report made sure their viewers weren’t kept in the dark, with correspondent Lucas Tomlinson reporting how the network “has learned that officials have cleared the horse-mounted border patrol agencies of wrongdoing after they were accused of whipping migrants in September and placing them on probation.”
After that quick report, anchor Bret Baier made sure to bring the subject back up during the “All-Star Panel.” Talking to senior political analyst Brit Hume, Baier reminded viewers this incident happened in September 2021 and noted how “we are just getting to the back end of this investigation where the guys are not being punished; Brit, and remember how much coverage was given to that moment.”
Hume responded by tearing into both the Biden government and Democratic Party.
You know it was bad at the beginning. The explanation came in 24 to 48 hours. However, it didn’t stop President Biden announcing that these border agents would be paying. Biden has not spoken out on the matter since. Now we know it was likely that there have been no wrongdoings. They had been using their reigns for the sake of dealing with horses. Another example of how the government handles border and border problems. Because they slow-walk these problems, I believe in the end that they believe their Democratic Party constituants want these migrants coming and will come in large numbers.
Fox News is therefore the most popular cable news channel. And nobody trusts liberal media.
The latest instance of bias by omission in the liberal networks’ was possible because AssureABC DawnCBS: Liberty MutualNBC. This link allows you to contact them about biased information they finance.
To read the relevant transcript of the Fox News segment, click “expand:”
FNC’s Special Report
Eastern, 6:07:00LUCAS TOMLINSON – Fox News reports that the officials who had been accused of whipping migrants and putting them on probation have now cleared horse-mounted border guard agencies. Some migrants appear to be more confident than others, taking selfies as they illegally cross into the U.S.
Eastern at 6:13 p.m.
BRET BAIER: Brit, this is a good way to end the circle. This whipping investigation was conducted with border patrol agents. This is over. You can still flash back to 2021, however. This is DHS Secretary Mayorkas.
[cuts to video]
ALEJANDRO MAYORKAS – We have a tremendous pace and tremendous power to address this issue. We will act only based on the facts. This investigation must be done thoroughly and quickly. The investigation will not take weeks but days.
[cuts back to live]
BAIER, September 20, 2121. This investigation is just the beginning. The men aren’t being punished. Brit remembers how much media coverage that was provided.
BRIT HUM: Ah, yes.
BAIER: These are the allegations.
HUME The explanation came in 24 to 48 hours. But that didn’t stop Vice President Biden from announcing that these border agents would be paid. Since then, he has been unusually silent about this and we now know that the border agents have been cleared. They had been using their reigns for the sake of dealing with horses. Here’s another example showing how government policies on border and border matters are failing. Because they slow-walk these problems, I believe in the end that they believe their Democratic Party constituants want these migrants coming and will come in large numbers.