Nets Ignore Historically Bad Polling Numbers for Democrats Ahead of Midterms

On Monday, Gallup released their quarterly poll showing which political party most Americans identify as, and for the first time in over twenty-five years, more Americans identify as Republicans. You wouldn’t even know it if you weren’t watching the evening broadcasts. 

ABC’s is not an ABC. World News Tonight, CBS’s Evening NewsNeither NBC nor NBC’s Nightly News could be bothered to report the poll showing Republicans now have a five-point advantage over Democrats for the first time since 1995. Fox News should be reporting on the national news instead of spending precious airtime covering local news stories, such as wildfires and helicopter crashes. Special Report gave the story a top position in the A-block. 

Brit Hume is a Fox News political analyst who was hired by Anchor Bret to breakdown the devastating polling data for Democrats. Hume first looked at the major findings of the poll. The number of Democrats identifying as Democrats fell 7 percentage points, while the Republicans increased 7 percentage points. It’s an increase of 14 points. He said that this is an enormous swing in one year. 



Hume then proceeded to dissect what this meant for the upcoming 2022 midterm elections in November:  

This is a result of the Biden Administration not being able to achieve many of what people had expected and hoped for. The unification of the nation and other things. He’s passed some measures, yes, he has. However, the left has some reservations about him because he hasn’t done anything more. These measures were opposed by the right from the start. You had the horrible pull-out of Afghanistan, along with other poor decisions.

Leftist media have a history of ignoring information that is not convenient for their Democrat friends. For example, back in October 2021, ABC’s Good Morning America completely censored a new Quinnipiac poll showing President Biden’s approval rating had plummeted to 38%.  After realizing that Glenn Youngkin had been pulling ahead of the polls, networks began completely ignoring the Virginia governor’s election in the home stretch. 

Chris Plante, a legendary conservative talk-radio host and commentator on conservative topics says that the most dangerous power of the media is its ability to ignore. 

This latest example of bias by omission by the three leftist broadcast networks was brought to you by Progressive on ABC, Allstate on CBS, and Bayer on NBC. You can contact them via the linked information to let them know what biased news they are funding. 

Click “expand to view the transcript for this segment”

Fox News Channel Special Report
6:11:08 PM

BRET BAIER: Brit, you know Brit. I’d like to run this Gallup poll. Political affiliation. It’s a quarterly, Gallup does it every quarter and it is a major shift in this particular poll with, towards Republicans and Democrats going down, significantly.

BRIT HUMME: Yes, Democrats saw a 7-point drop in the number of voters identifying as Democrats. Republicans, however, increased 7 points. It’s an increase of 14 points. This is an enormous swing in one year. You know what? It can be traced back to the inability of the Biden administration to achieve many of those things people had expected. The unification of the nation and other things. He’s passed some measures, yes, he has. However, the left has some reservations about him because he hasn’t done anything more. Because the right opposed a lot these measures in the first place, then you have the disaster pull-out of Afghanistan and other bad things. The result was exactly what one would expect. The Republicans are on the rise, but it is not common for Republicans to be outnumbered by self-identified Democrats. It seems to set a difficult –


BAIER: It’s a long way to November but for Republicans, this is something that they should be very proud of.

HUME: Yeah, looking ahead to the midterms, this is–these are the kind of numbers you want to see and hope will last at least until the fall if you are a Republican.

BAIER: Brit, you are always a great help. 

HUME – Thank you Bret.

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