According to reports, the Minneapolis teachers’ union and school board came to a tentative deal Tuesday. If layoffs are necessary, all teachers, regardless of their seniority, will be fired except white teachers. Since racism to fight alleged racism is apparently fine with the three leftist broadcast networks, ABC’s World News Tonight, CBS Evening News & NBC Nightly NewsAll of them ignored this unconstitutional and blatantly racist policy.
The three leftist networks spent valuable time on fearmongering about climate change, droughts, and shark attacks off the Florida Keys, instead of reporting on racism in Minneapolis’ school district.
During Tuesday evening’s Report Special on the Fox News Channel, correspondent Garrett Tenney how “if the district is forced to lay off teachers, race will take precedent over experience and seniority when deciding who gets let go. In a section titled protections for educators of color.”
Reading from the contract, Tenney reported that “the contract says if excessing, which means laying off or relocating a teacher who is a member of a population underrepresented among licensed teachers in the site. The district shall excess the next least senior teacher who is not a member of an underrepresented population.”
According to Tenney “that same policy would apply to the order in which teachers are reinstated to job openings.” And that “MPS says these changes are needed, quote, to remedy the continuing effects of past discrimination by the district to improve the retention of teachers of color and to ultimately have a workforce that reflects the demographics of the city schools.”
Despite the well-deserved backlash, Tenney reported that “the teachers union is not backing down though. In fact, some of its members are suggesting this policy could serve as a model for schools nationwide.”
This is unfortunately what the wokeleft is really all about. This group believes they can take revenge on the racism of the past through enacting racist policies for today. The leftist media will happily sweep this under the carpet for them.
Verizon on ABC and Ensure on CBS made it possible to include this terrible example of bias in the broadcasts. This link allows you to contact them about biased information they finance.
To read the transcript of the August 16, 2022, Special Report segment click “expand”:
FNC’s Special Report
August 16, 2022
Eastern at 6:26.46BRET BAIER: Is social justice being achieved or is it discrimination? This question was raised tonight in Minneapolis, where teachers unions and school boards have declared that white teachers will lose their jobs if needed. Teachers of all races and ages will also be affected. From our Midwest bureau, Garrett Tenney will be reporting tonight. Good evening, Garrett.
GARRETT: Bret, it’s good to see you. It is one of several tentative anti-racist agreements and provisions between Minneapolis’ public schools and its teachers union. The new contract, which is being finalized at this time, will determine who is let go based on race. This is because experience and seniority are not considered when the district must lay off teachers. Protecting educators of color in a section.
According to the contract, if excessing refers to laying off or moving a teacher who belongs in some way to a group of teachers that is not licensed. Districts shall exceed the senior most teacher, who does not belong to an underrepresented group. This policy applies to the reinstatement of teachers to jobs.
MPS states that these reforms are necessary to address the ongoing effects of discrimination in the past district. They also aim to retain teachers of color to increase retention and create a city school workforce more representative of its demographic. MPS has 60% of students who are not white, while only 33% of the staff is. Some critics claim that the policy violates the Constitution and is unlikely to survive if challenged in court.
JASMES DICKEY, UPPER MIDWEST LAW CENTER: The Supreme Court has stated repeatedly that attempting to rectify past discrimination by discriminating now is a violation the 14th Amendment protection clause. That’s what this case is.
TENNEY: And James Dickey’s office says he has already heard from taxpayers and teachers in Minneapolis who want to challenge this policy if it’s not changed. But the teachers union won’t be letting up. It is actually being suggested by some members that the policy could be used as an example for other schools across the country. Bret?
BAIER: We’ll follow that one. Garrett, we are grateful.
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