NBC’s Lester Holt Plays Therapist With Speaker Pelosi In Jan 6 Interview

NBC News is always in the trenches for the Democratic Party and this Thursday was no exception. You can read more at www.on. NBC Nightly News during an exclusive interview with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on the topic of the anniversary of the January 6 Capitol Hill riots, Lester Holt gave her a fluffy softball interview that was a borderline therapy session.  

Pelosi’s first question, which was most insulting to him, asked about President Biden’s divisive speech that he made earlier in the day. In it, he attacked ex-President Trump. Lester was a fan of Biden’s speech, and wondered why it hadn’t been given sooner. 

Yesterday morning, Vice President Biden arrived at the Capitol. He delivered an explosive attack on his predecessor and also defended democracy vigorously. We are in an environment right now, where many people try to legitimize the investigation, reduce the severity of the events here. Do you wish this speech would have come sooner?

Holt was next to play therapist and not journalist, and Pelosi asked her to tell Pelosi about January 6, and what she thought. I want you to bring me in that day, if possible. All of us remember being swiftly escorted from the podium. I’ve heard you talk about it before. It was not something you wanted to do.”Holt understood: Do you now think, though? Knowing what you know, what do you think of what might have happened if you had stayed put? 



Holt gave Pelosi an answer. Then he tried his hand at replaying a national therapy session live on television.  

They destroyed your office. Your staffers were left in fear, as you can see. What if you could put it in perspective and reconcile the situation a year later.

Pelosi was asked by the leftist anchor at NBC about her views on America’s future after January 6 riots. What have you lost and what are your fears about losing it? 

Holt, perhaps feeling embarrassed at his poor performance as an interviewer, snapped from the Pelosi-induced trance to ask her the real question. “Why did she reject the GOP nominations for the January 6-committee?” Pelosi claimed that two of their nominees “were suspect in terms of their involvement in January 6th.” Holt didn’t respond. 

Holt questions Pelosi, in what is probably the worst part of the interview about her claims about “The American Dream”Prayer for your enemy.” Pelosi replied: 

As I do every day, even this morning, and I pray that God will grant them the grace to open their hearts to God’s guidance to help them do right. Republicans: Take back your party! You are not the Grand Old Party. You’re the Grand Old Party that’s done so much for America. Great leadership was shown for the country. It would be a terrible thing for our country if the Republican Party had become a cult.

It is ironic because of multiple reasons. Holt tried to paint partial-birth abortion-loving Pelosi like a devout Catholic. Pelosi pretends she has ever shown respect for the Republican Party and its history. Her partisan stance has made her a bitterly divisive Democrat. It is clear how dangerous Lester Holt’s liberal agenda is that he would allow her to get away with such an act. 

Otezla brought this embarrassing display by an NBC anchor to your attention. You can contact them via the linked information to let them know of biased news that they are funding. 

Click “expand to view the transcript for this segment” 



7.06:05 pm

LESTER HOLT: I think no one was more aware of what the stakes were than Nancy Pelosi (House Speaker), whom I talked to today. Today, President Biden visited the Capitol to deliver a scathing attack on his predecessor as well as a strong defense of democracy. We are in an environment right now, where many people try to legitimize the investigation, reduce the severity of the events here. Do you wish this speech would have come sooner? 

SPEAKER: NANCY PELOSI: The President’s speech came today. It is what the nation needs now. The President’s speech is a proud moment for me. This speech was powerful, honest and gave us a wakeup call about how near we were to disaster for democracy in the country that day.

HOLT: The way he went after Donald Trump, however, do you think that fuels a conversation among many Republicans that there’s something political about the observances? Today Mitch McConnell implied that this is being done for political gain.

PELOSI: He can say that. It is a fact that there was an attack on democracy by President of the United States — at the time President of the United States. Inciting an insurrection at the Capitol is something Mitch McConnell and anyone else can’t hide. 

HOLT – I would like you to accompany me on that special day. All of us remember being swiftly escorted from the podium. I’ve heard you talk about it before. It was not something you wanted to do.


HOLT: What do you now think, knowing all you know? Do you wonder what might have happened if you had stayed put?

PELOSI: The security system was extremely strong. They pulled me off the podium and I replied, Don’t be worried. I said no. You must get up. It is your responsibility to go. You don’t have any conversation. Your job is important. You have to perform your job. It breaks your heart to see the scenes that took place outside of the Capitol. It is heartbreaking. It’s almost as if someone from the White House had dropped a bomb against the Congress of the United States.

HOLT. There were many people that day in the Capitol who saw you as an enemy, someone to capture and humiliate. One of the men said, “She was expecting you to shoot in her frigging brain.”

PELOSI: Yeah. 

HOLT: They destroyed your office. Your staffers were left in fear, as you can see. What if you could put it in perspective and reconcile the situation a year later.

PELOSI (Spanish): I’ve been a target for them for some time and have security to defend me. I was concerned for both the staff and the other members. The Speaker’s office can be destroyed. This is wrong. However, it can be done. But the trauma that they foisted on the idealistic people who come to the Capitol to work, the institutional staffers have nothing to do with Democrats and Republicans, only the const–the Congress, those who had to clean up, clean up behind these people with their defecation of words and poo on the floor of the Capitol while they would be called names that are totally unacceptable.

HOLT – Speaker Pelosi shows me around the Capitol and where her staff is hiding. 

PELOSI – The rioters smashed down one door. In the darkness, the staff were under the table. It was nearly three hours before they could speak.

HOLT: And they’re obviously hearing everything because it’s, it’s taking place right here.

PELOSI: Yes! PELOSI: Oh yes! We’re coming to get her. That’s all. They might have thought that I was there. But I’m not sure. 

HOLT : We then go into her office. 

PELOSI: You saw them at the desk taking mail, and everything else. That’s right, you know that that was where the thug was seated. 

HOLT – What was your reaction to that photo?

PELOSI: It was Donald Trump’s manifestation, total disrespect. 

HOLT – I asked her about its lasting effects.

HOLT = What have you lost and what do you think can be gained?

PELOSI: Everything can be restored. America is optimistic. Even the ex-President of the United States can be overcome by the resilience of democracy.

HOLT : The House Committee Investigating January 6th. The majority of Democrats are represented in it. After Pelosi had rejected two of her selections for Republicans, Pelosi chose two Republicans to replace them. She also selected two Republicans who were fierce opponents of Trump.

HOLT – Many Republicans believe that the process was unfair and that potential Republicans were excluded from the committee.

PELOSI: No, no. They didn’t. The Speaker is entitled to confirm the appointments.


PELOSI – We stated that the majority of them would be able to attend. Two of the two we couldn’t because they were suspected in connection with their involvement on January 6th. While they can whine as much as they like, they turned down the chance to have their entire committee. 

[Cuts to Video] 

PELOSI: Now, I request that all members rise in silence for a brief moment.

[Cuts back] 

HOLT: In the past, you have spoken out about your desire to pray for your enemies. 

PELOSI: As I do every day, even this morning, and I pray that God will grant them the grace to open their hearts to God’s guidance to help them do right. Republicans, I urge you to take back your party. You’re not who this is. You’re the Grand Old Party that’s done so much for America. Great leadership was shown for the country. This was a terrible thing for our country. Without him, the Republican Party could have become a cult. 

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