NBC Calls Out Biden’s Wrong Inflation Predictions, ABC & CBS Ignore

With the stunning economic news out early Wednesday showing that inflation has continued to skyrocket to seven percent year over year, ABC and CBS’s evening newscasts ignored the Biden administration’s past predictions that inflation was simply “transitory” when reporting on the new numbers. NBC is reporting on these numbers. Nightly NewsIt was recalled that the Biden White House on ongoing inflation has made mistakes in the past. 

During NBC’s coverage of the new inflation numbers, chief White House correspondent Peter Alexander accurately reported the gravity of the current economic situation in the country stating “inflation soaring to its highest level in nearly 40 years, casting a shadow over America’s entire economy.”

Alexander spoke with Lisa Giago about her struggles as a single mom of three in Colorado to get food on the table for her children. Alexander was also able to speak with Ishmael Wilson and Rochelle Wilson from Maryland, who have a dry cleaners. They spoke out about how expensive it is for them to run their business.

ISHMAEL WISON: Last year, we spent $24.50 on a pack of hangers. 


WILSON: We now pay $52.95.

Anchor Lester Holt asked Alexander about the date that the Biden administration believes inflation will begin to subside at the end. Alexander responded by recalling a prediction Biden had made about inflation. “remember six months ago President Biden insisted rising inflation was temporary. But tonight the White House says these higher prices could last until the end of this year.” 



In the meantime, CBS Evening News, there was no reminder to their audience about Biden’s previous predictions on inflation. Scott Macfarlane (CBS congressional correspondent) reported on the event without any Republican rebuttal. “the White House today argued President Biden’s Build Back Better plan, which is still stalled in Congress would help.” 

To cool down inflation, we should not be putting trillions more money into the economy. This segment didn’t air this point of view. 

You can find more information here World News Tonight, anchor David Muir asked chief business and economics correspondent Rebecca Jarvis if the White House knew “how much longer will Americans have to deal with this”, referring to inflation. Jarvis reported that “the White House along with many economists predict that these elevated prices will remain through the winter, but will moderate by year-end.” While adding that “the Federal Reserve is also expected to hike interest rates four times this year to keep inflation from undoing the economy.”

There is no mention of how wrong economists and the Biden White House have been about this. Perhaps because they are embarrassed by the fact that the media has omitted the story of inflation skyrocketing. 

This is the latest example that liberal networks are covering up for their biden White House pals. It was brought to your attention by WeatherTechAllstate (CBS), and (ABC). This link will take you to their contact information so that they can inform you about biased news funding. 

To read the relevant transcripts of each segment click “expand”: 

NBC Nightly News


7.01:47 pm

LESTER HOLT: Happy evening everyone. Prices are increasing. The inventory of groceries is low and there are many roads that lead to the COVID terrain. Today’s news confirms what we have seen many times before. Consumer prices increased by 7% in December, compared with the previous year. To put things in perspective, inflation hasn’t increased this fast since the 1980s. Lately, we’ve been paying more for almost everything from a gallon of gas to a pound of chicken. The check-out aisle is where supply chain problems are at their worst. Store shelves are also shrinking. Everyday items are being scarce in grocery stores. This evening we’ll be covering the issue, beginning with Peter Alexander and the inflation impact.

PETER ALEXANDER : The alarming surge in inflation, which reached its highest in 40 years, cast a dark shadow over America’s entire economy. This astonishing rise in inflation was 7% higher than a year ago. Although inflation has slowed slightly in the last month, it still marks three consecutive months of above 6% inflation.

LISA GIAGO: The office manager says it is bringing a lot more stress than necessary. It’s already a challenge, particularly when you live from paycheck to paycheck.

ALEXANDER. Lisa Giago, a Colorado mom and elementary school administrator is a single mother of three. She has to turn to food banks because gas and grocery prices are so high. 

GIAGO: I’m fine. Although I don’t need to eat a meal every day, I do want my children to have food. 

ALEXANDER – Inflation pushing already high prices skyrocketing all over the place. Prices of gasoline are up by 50% compared to last year. Prices for used cars and trucks are up 37% Eggs, meat, poultry, fish and other animal products are 13% more expensive. The rent and mortgage rates are increasing by 4% Today, nearly 50% of small businesses claim they are having to raise prices. What do you think about the bill?

ISHMAEL WILSON, Small Business Owner: It’s almost like I’m on the floor.

ALEXANDER All of these items are more expensive than plastic bags, shoulder protectors and receipt papers.

WILSON – Last year was $24.50. 


WILSON: We now pay $52.95. 

ALEXANDER – More than two?

WILSON: More Than Double

ROCHELLE WILSON (Small Business Owner): And it’s cutting into everything that we need to do to grow and to sustain, quite frankly.

ALEXANDER: And on top of it, they’d already been struggling in the pandemic. The Wilsons will close one of their shops this Friday. The President today tweeting, “we are making progress in slowing the rate of price increases, but there’s still more work to do.” But Republicans are blasting the President with rising wages unable to keep up with record inflation.

SENATOR JOHN RAMASSO: Family are suffering. The most vulnerable are seniors and people with a fixed income. Young couples who struggle to survive.

HOLT: Peter! What is the White House telling Peter tonight about how much longer this high inflation could last?

ALEXANDER: Yeah, Lester. Six months ago, President Biden said that rising inflation is temporary. The White House claims that these rising prices will continue until the end this year. Lester? 

HOLT – Peter Alexander, we are grateful.

CBS Evening News


6.33:30 PM

SCOTT MACFARLANE: The inflation report today shows that ground beef has seen a 13% increase in prices. There have been double-digit increases in eggs, bread and crackers prices. Breakfast cereal has seen a 6% increase and milk has seen a 4% rise. Although the White House argued that President Biden’s BuildBack Better plan which remains stalled at Congress, would assist in alleviating pain, it acknowledged that this is not going to be happening soon. 

BRIAN DEESE: The National Economic Council Director sees moderation in the forecasts of independent forecasters. In the short term, in the mediate term, I think there–we’ll focus on the practical steps that we can take, focus working with Congress.

ABC World News Tonight


6.39.05 PM

DAVID MOIR: Rebecca. We know that the White House was pressing on this today. But, what will Americans do? 

REBECCA JARVIS – Well David, many economists and the White House predict that the high prices for winter will continue, but they will start to fall by the year’s end. To prevent inflation from taking a toll on the economy, the Federal Reserve expects to raise interest rates 4 times this year. David?

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