The conflict between grotesquely dishonest Democrat politicians who claim to be “devout Catholics” to win what remains of the ethnic Catholic vote and the teachings of the Catholic Church (Roman, Orthodox, and all other permutations) may be coming to a head.
Nancy Pelosi, House Speaker of the House is one of two main offenders in the national political scene. The other is Joe Biden, but no one believes Joe Biden knows what he’s saying, so it doesn’t matter. Pelosi makes much of her family’s Roman Catholic faith intertwined with its Italian heritage. Pelosi differs from the addled Joe Biden in that she uses her “devout” or “practicing” Catholic label to defend abortion and claim that abortion is a “matter of conscience” for Catholics.
After a decade of reaching out to Pelosi to get her to either abide by Church teaching on abortion or to dial back her yodeling about being a “devout” Catholic, San Francisco Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone had had enough. He informed Pelosi on Friday that her rebellion against Church law would result in her being denied the Eucharist. The disciplinary decision was not related to abortion. It is about scandal, which Catholics refer to as. When you speak or act in a way that encourages another person to do a grave sin, it is called scandal. In Pelosi’s case, her fluffing for Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry while proclaiming to be a “devout” Catholic could cause a person to believe that getting an abortion or encouraging another to get an abortion was permissible. This link provides a comprehensive treatment.
Pelosi explained her position to Morning Joe on Tuesday. This is how Joe “what is a dead intern doing in my office” Scarborough set it up.
We haven’t talked about your faith publicly. It is something we’ve done in many private conversations. The last time is when you were talking about your father, and I said, ‘I bet you wish your father were here to see you.’ And you said, ‘He’s here. He is here. He is with me.’ I know exactly – my dad is watching, and he is in heaven.
I’m just curious, what do you say to Catholics who see what’s happening to you in San Francisco and wonders why you have an archbishop taking a step like this?
Speaker Pelosi. Joe, it’s good to be here. I’m grateful. We do have a history that goes back to when you were just a young member of Congress.
The – what’s so sad about it – and as you were speaking, I’m thinking of some of the discussions I’ve had with other Members of Congress over time. Women and their families should know that it isn’t just about ending a pregnancies. So these same people are against contraception, family planning, in vitro fertilization — it’s a blanket thing. They use abortion to justify it, while trying to undo as much. That’s what they tried to do in the Affordable Care Act, which didn’t have anything about terminating a pregnancy.
Contraception In vitroThe Catholic Church has declared that fertilization is not allowed. I’m unaware of anyone against “family planning” per se, but the methods used to achieve that goal are the subject of dispute.
So let’s just say that, you know, I wonder about death penalty, which I’m opposed to. They don’t take action against anyone who doesn’t agree with them. We are grateful that you referred to the Gospel of Matthew. This is a sort of Church’s agenda, and many people who support terminating a woman’s pregnancy agree with it. It is important to remember that prayer can be a powerful tool in our prayers. It is important to show respect. I come from a largely pro-life, Italian-American, Catholic family, so I respect people’s views about that. But I don’t respect us foisting it onto others.
The pro-aborts’ favorite tactic against the Catholic stance is to equate the death penalty with abortion. It is not right from many perspectives. It is absurd and unconstitutional to compare the lives of murderers and children. Although the Catholic Church opposes the death penalty it cannot attach any ecclesiastical punishments to it. Why? The Magesterium is the Magesterium’s teaching authority. This is because the Magesterium is the only dogma which can give the Magesterium its authority. It is therefore inerrant and unchanging. Since the very beginnings of the Church the death penalty was legal if it is imposed by civil authorities. Luke, writing in Acts of the Apostles and Saint Paul in his Epistle to the Romans, endorse the right of civil authorities to impose the death penalty. In the very first written catechism of the Catholic Church, the Catechism of the Council of Trent (1566), the death penalty is explicitly endorsed.
A third type of lawful killing belongs to civil authorities. These officials are entrusted with the power of life or death. This power is not a crime, but it does represent a supreme obedience to the Commandment that prohibits murder. The end of the Commandment is the preservation and security of human life. The civil authority is the legal avenger and enforcer of crimes. Therefore, the penalties they inflict on people tend to bring about this end. They provide security for life through the suppression of violence and outrage. These are David’s words: I will kill all those who do wrong in the land. This is so that all workers associated with injustice can be exterminated from the Lord’s city.
As recently as 1952, Pope Pius wrote, “Even in the case of the death penalty the State does not dispose of the individual’s right to life. Rather public authority limits itself to depriving the offender of the good of life in expiation for his guilt, after he, through his crime, deprived himself of his own right to life.”
The Magisterium and Scripture must be used to understand the opposition to death penalty. While it’s not something we should do, it’s not prohibited. Because doctrine is always in harmony with the preceding one.
This is in contrast to the permanent prohibition against abortion. The 1566 Catechism of the Council of Trent reads, “It was also for this reason that God instituted marriage from the beginning; and therefore married persons who, to prevent conception or procure abortion, have recourse to medicine, are guilty of a most heinous crime–nothing less than wicked conspiracy to commit murder.”
This catechism has a more insistent position. “Human life must be respected and protected absolutely from the moment of conception. From the first moment of his existence, a human being must be recognized as having the rights of a person – among which is the inviolable right of every innocent being to life.”
The last thing that Archbishop Cordileone is doing is “foisting” his beliefs upon anyone. Catholicism requires that you adhere to the Church’s beliefs. When someone wishes to join the Church, they must make this Profession of Faith: “I believe and profess all that the holy Catholic Church believes, teaches, and proclaims to be revealed by God.” Pelosi’s denial of that teaching reveals that she is not acting according to her conscience; she has put her politics higher than her alleged faith. The scandalous, gravely sinful behavior of an important member of his flock was corrected by Archbishop Cordileone who properly used his authority as a bishop. More than any abuse by her bishop, her inability to listen speaks volumes about her disengagement from Christianity.
The quote she refers to in Matthew 25 is also from Matthew 25. Scarborough refers to this right before Scarborough introduces her.
35 You fed me because I was hungry; you offered me water; you provided me with water; you were a stranger and took me in.
36 You covered me naked: you were sick and visited me. I was locked up in jail, so you reached out to me.
37 The just will answer him by saying, “Lord! When did we feed you hungry?
38 When did you see me as a stranger and take thee in? ou naked, covered you?
39 When was it that we last saw you in jail or sick, and how did this lead us to your presence?
40 The king will answer them and say: I am a believer in you. As long as it was done to one of my less brethren it is mine.
I don’t see “And when I was helpless in the womb, you ripped me limb from limb” in there, but I may not be using the newest translation.
Our archbishop is also vehemently opposed to LGBTQ rights. In fact, he led the way in some of the initiatives on – an initiative on the ballot in California. This decision is extremely dangerous for the American people. It violates privacy and sets precedent. It is not compatible with Matthew’s Gospel.
California’s successful ballot initiative banning homosexual marriage was led by Archbishop Cordileone. He should be commended for his endorsement of the vile assault on marital and Judeo-Christian heritage.
Mika Brzezinski. I’m sorry your religion has been brought into this. Let’s turn to the political side of this. I’m concerned how we preserve all of our rights as women, given the fact that this leaked draft opinion looks to overturn Roe. The Senate passed a piece of – or, the Senate voted on a piece of legislation that looked to expand abortion rights. Did that prove to be a useful gesture? Do you believe that this was a productive gesture?
Speaker Pelosi. Well, I don’t think they expanded abortion rights. Roe v. Wade was enshrined into law. Roe v. Wade to be enshrined in the law. And that was – that’s what we’ve done in the House. This was right after Texas’s terrible decision about vigilantes following women and such. So that’s all – that’s what that does. And it was unfortunate that some of the Republicans who claim to be pro-choice – pro-the-decision. We call it a decision as a woman, as a family, with her doctor, her family – and make those decisions.
However, it is important that that vote be cast. I think it was most unfortunate that those who profess to be supportive of a woman’s decision in this regard found that to be too much, because that was Roe v. Wade, that’s the enshrinement of Roe v. Wade.
So in terms of, to your larger question, women – I think, you know, you’ve heard me say before: President Lincoln said, ‘Public sentiment is everything. You can achieve almost everything with it. Without it, practically nothing.’ But for public sentiment to weigh in, people have to know. This is why women need to be aware of how widespread it is. I mean, as a Catholic, I try to talk to some of my colleagues – Republican colleagues, some years ago into supporting what the Catholic Church was asking us to do for global family planning – natural family planning, which our law allows to happen. And they said, ‘We’re not for family planning domestically or globally. We’re against it.’ Now, that was family planning. That wasn’t anything beyond that.
There is no mention anywhere that Democrats would propose a bill to support Natural Family Planning. This practice, encouraged by the Catholic Church, has been denied. I can imagine an attempt to gain Republican support for abortion-centric “family planning” by rolling in NFP and being laughed at. Let me know if you have any evidence that Pelosi is referring to.
This is why it’s important to understand the risks involved. It is insulting for women that their decision-making ability is hampered through politics. It should not have been made political. This should not have been politicized. Joe well described the process of moving from one place to another. It is, however, a disguise for many other things the far right would like to achieve.
Mika Brzezinski. That’s what I was – what will it mean, if and when it is overturned? This issue could mobilize voters from both parties.
Speaker Pelosi. Yes. Here’s – we always are running on kitchen table issues.
Mika Brzezinski. Right, and there’s a lot of them now.
Speaker Pelosi. Right. How do they pay food, rent and education? Let’s talk about it. All of us – but we also know that our democracy is at stake, what they’re doing to voter suppression – in voter suppressing and also in the nullification of elections. But that doesn’t really hit home as much as a kitchen table issue – the kitchen table issues do. And a woman’s decision is a kitchen table issue.
Mika Brzezinski. Yes, it is.
Speaker Pelosi. They have taken liberty, which was on the ballot home. That will – they tell me that in Georgia, the women are really –
Mika Brzezinski. They’re galvanizing?
Speaker Pelosi. Galvanized is the word I was looking – I thought, but it is even more than that.
Nancy Pelosi’s problem is that she’s never been more than a “smells and bells” Catholic or a “submarine” Catholic (you know, they surface at Christmas and Easter). Pelosi’s Catholicism, while culturally artifacts, is a mere grift. Her support of abortion and the blasphemy that is the LGBTQ-whatever-whatever agenda shows that she sees religion as a political shield from criticism. She is still dumbfounded that she was exposed for her lies after all these years.
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