MSNBC’s Glaude Compares Voter ID Laws to Strangling a Baby

Friday, The 11th HourShow on MSNBC. Eddie Glaude, frequent contributor and guest, made an absurd analogy between voter ID laws passing and white supremacists cutting off a baby’s umbilical cord. This is a strange choice considering that Planned Parenthood has supported unborn children being killed.

Stephanie Ruhle from MSNBC sparked this ridiculousness by bringing up Texas.

He responded by comparing his torturous experience to that of choking a baby.

That contradiction in Texas is a sign that something is not quite right. It suggests there are two kinds of Americas: one that desperately wants to be created and another that is clinging on to existence. Every time there has been a new America, Stephanie has wrapped the umbilical cords of white supremacy around the neck, choking it. If a new America wants to emerge, we need to become better midwivesWe must recognize that what we are currently experiencing is an old, familiar haunt.

Earlier, Glaude declared that supporters of voter restrictions want the U.S. to remain a “white nation,” and then Ruhle went to TimeJanell Ross, a magazine reporter, seemed almost sorry for raising an argument that conservatives used to support voter ID laws.



RUHLE: Is there — and just bear with me for a moment, Janell, — is there any — and I’m not even saying “middle ground” — but is there any ground to give when one gives the argument “Why not have to show your ID? Why don’t you show your ID when voting? For all kinds of items, you must show your license. Explain why this is not an option. … At dinner parties across the country you will hear this.

Ross stated that it was too crucial for the vote to be blocked. The New YorkerJelani Cobb, a Jelani Cobb reporter, jumps in to assert that Republicans have made driving licenses more difficult by dissolving DMVs. It wasn’t mentioned that almost every European country requires voter ID, nor that American polling has shown it to be very popular among American voters.

This latest hyperbole on MSNBC was sponsored in part by Allstate and Applebee’s. You can click the links below to tell them what you think. 

Below is a transcript. For more information, please click on “expand”. 

MSNBC’s The 11th Hour featuring Stephanie Ruhle

June 17, 2022

STEPHANIE RUHLE: What rationale, Eddie, is given when these restrictive voter laws are put in place in the last five years or so, how do they pass? It’s not public knowledge that they are doing this.

EDDIE GAULD, MSNBC CONTRIBUTOR. It’s Freudian projection in so many ways, and it’s also an echo of the past when we saw how the disenfranchisement of black men — remember how women didn’t get the vote with the 15th Amendment — but when we saw the disenfranchisement of black men at the collapse of radical Reconstruction. The same arguments were made.

Similar arguments were made. We need to comprehend voter suppression and voter nullification. All this stuff that we are seeing is an extension of Jan 6. Keep in mind Judge Michael Luttig’s statement that there is a revolution taking place within the current constitutional crisis. This attack on voting is part of it. So we must see it for the fact that it is. Stephanie says that part of this claim states that the nation should remain white in the spirit of Europe. This group refuses to believe that we are a multiracial democracy. It is rejected outright.

RUHLE: Is there — and just bear with me for a moment, Janell, — is there any — and I’m not even saying “middle ground” — but is there any ground to give when one gives the argument “Why not have to show your ID? Why don’t you show your ID when voting? For all kinds of items, you must show your license. Explain why you don’t think that is a good idea.

JANELL Ross, TIME SECRET CORRESPONDENT: In the end, it is fundamentally about —

RUHLE: People will tell you that at dinner parties all over the country.

ROSS: Yes, it is. It’s something that I have heard many times in my reporting travels. The fundamental truth is that the ability to vote is more important than being able to board a plane. This is the truth. It is the ability to vote, and to participate as fully as a citizen as well as as an equal citizen that determines whether we have a functioning democracy. This is what will decide if we are able to have the multi-cultural democracy our country was meant to be. It is the basis of who lives in America. If you do not achieve this, any attempt to make democracy more complicated for everyone starts to undermine the idea of democracy. This is what can happen if you are told by the TSA that you cannot board a plane.

JELANI COBB of THE NEW YORKER (Julia Cobb): Is there anything else? It hasn’t been just the imposition or voting — it has also included ID requirements. This is something I believe is important to highlight. 

RUHLE: Of course, it is. You can do so much more.

COBB: But in addition to that in some places where people have imposed these ID requirements, they’ve also made it more difficult to get ID. 

RUHLE: Ah, please explain.

COBB: Allowing DMVs to be removed in areas that have a high concentration of communities of color. You’ll see the same pattern over and over again. You can theoretically say “Show me your driver’s licence”, but we will make it harder for you to get one and thus less likely you will be eligible to vote.


RUHLE: Eddie, what does it say that Texas, where we are going to see huge voter drives this weekend, the place where Juneteenth was born is the same state that has these huge restrictive voting laws?

EDDIE GLAUE, MSNBC CONTRIBUTOR. It is a tragic and dangerous experiment. Referring to Senator (Raphael), Warnock’s Jan 5 and Jan 6, or to future Dean (Jelani Cobb), I believe it was both. The contradiction found in Texas indicates that there is an America desperately seeking to be created and one that’s still clinging on to its existence.

Stephanie wrapped the umbilical chord of white supremacy around the baby’s neck every single time it tried to create a new America. If a new America wants to emerge, we need to become better midwivesWe must recognize that what we are currently experiencing is an old, familiar haunt. 


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