One of the underlying, long-term issues behind some of the supply chain issues is that the claim that there’s a shortage of truck drivers. According to the American Trucking Association, the shortage of truck drivers is one reason for delays in the nation.
So, you would think if that’s an issue, you would want to do what you could to encourage more people to be involved in the industry. This seems like a natural response.
Yet, MSNBC’s Tiffany Cross, while professing to want to encourage more people of color to become drivers also smeared the industry as racist during a segment. Not to mention the bad drivers.
MSNBC’s @TiffanyDCross: Trucking “is an industry populated by a lot of white men over the age of 55. These people were the majority to vote for Trump. Some people have talked about, you know, aggressive truck drivers cutting them off or not being helpful.”
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) November 14, 2021
Trucking “is an industry populated by a lot of white men over the age of 55,” Cross said. “This group of people overwhelmingly voted for Trump. Some people have talked about, you know, aggressive truck drivers cutting them off or not being helpful.”
Cross just cobbles all that together — racism, support for Trump and being bad drivers. Let’s not forget about the stereotypes that are used to criticize an industry.
What is the one thing MSNBC won’t say about Trump and racism?
Cross has degraded the very people Cross relies upon for basic goods every single day. Is that really encouraging any one to work in the industry? And they’re bad because they voted for Trump? MSNBC considers over 74 million of them to be bad. You might wonder what their ratings look like in the basement.
Maybe she can feed this nonsense to the liberals who watch MSNBC, but most Americans reject the racist division she’s pushing.
While there’s no doubt there are a high percentage of white men in the trucking industry, there are many people of all races, and women as well, something she fails to mention and perhaps doesn’t even know while she’s pitching stereotypes.
However, even MSNBC’s poll seems to be having problems with the percentages of people from different races.
— Dr. Nickarama (@nickaramaOG) November 14, 2021
These percentages total more than 100 percent. MSNBC Common Core Math? But if we take that percentage of black truck drivers, that’s already more than the percentage of black people in the population which is around 13 percent, so black people don’t seem underrepresented, although women certainly seem to be by that number.
This is a terrible media view of the supply chain crisis. We’ve had a few, including Bloomberg spinning as to why shortages are actually good for us. However, they can keep going spinning in an attempt to ignore Joe Biden’s failings and his inability or unwillingness to make any changes to the situation. As we’ve noted, Biden claimed he was going to improve the problem with having the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach open 24/7. Not only haven’t they been open 24/7, but the backlog of ships has actually gotten worse — at last check, at the end of this past week, 110 ships were waiting.
So, here’s a thought for Cross and MSNBC. How about holding Joe Biden’s feet to the fire over this issue, rather than trying to blame everyone else? Of course they wouldn’t, but that just shows why they have no credibility.
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