MSNBC Contributor: GOP Voters Are ‘Often More Emotional Than Rational’

Is it possible that the liberal media could be more condescending and contemptuous towards us conservative, poor rubes?

Alexi McCammond, contributor and Alexi McCammond, joined Nicolle Wallace on Thursday’s MSNBC program to talk about the confirmation fight over Stephen Breyer’s replacement. 

“It doesn’t matter necessarily what the polls reveal about support for abortion. Roe V. Wade being constitutional law. Republicans understand What to do? You should also know this: [their]Voters can be more emotional than rational.

“Democrats believe they have the polling, legislation and policy ideas to their side. Republicans have a greater grasp of controlling the narrative.” 

The truth is on the side of Democrats. But those damned Republican politicians are able to manipulate their gullible, malleable voters! Oh! And somehow, despite the dominant liberal media pretending it is “mainstream,” the conservatives still control and shape the narrative. 

They really mean that the liberals don’t have dominance EnoughIt is important to not listen to conservatives and Republicans.

Republican voters tend to be more emotionally driven than rational. Unlike rational Democrat voters who have been feeling about how the world is about to end in 12 years because of global warming, Republicans are more emotional than rational. They will run for their safety and insist on the expulsion of any person who does not agree with them. They believe women athletes should compete with biological men. Totally rational, yep! You don’t feel any emotion.

Nicolle Wallace and MSNBC host Alexi McCammond (of Axios) claimed that Republican voters can often feel emotional rather than rational. This claim was made by Alexi McCammond, who is sponsored partly by Kraft, the maker of Philadelphia Cream Cheese and Clear Choice. 

The transcript is here.

Deadline White House
4.04 PM ET

NICOLLE WALLACE: I wonder what the sort of consternation is—if the Republican party is capable of any—about having the [Supreme]All year, Court should be at the forefront

ALEXI MCCAMMOND – I’m assuming you already know that, Nicolle. Sometimes, the Republican party doesn’t follow polls. That’s true, of course, for abortion. However, it also holds true for mandates regarding vaccines and masks. These things are not as popular with Americans as they were in the past, according to polls and focus group results.  

That is something I believe they do not care about because they know they have the Supreme Court available to help them build a larger narrative surrounding the culture wars.

It does not matter what polls say about abortion support Roe V. Wade being constitutional law. Republicans understandHow to get their votes on board. You should also know this: [their]Sometimes voters are more emotionally driven than rational. When it comes time to vote, or telling pollsters how they feel about something.

So I believe that although Democrats believe they are supported by polling and legislation. They also know that Republicans do a better job controlling the narrative. In spite of these, Republicans continue to be able to rely on them.

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