MSNBC: 1/6 Hearings About Same Dark Forces that Tempted Adam & Eve

Going into the Fourth of July weekend on Friday, MSNBC host Joe Scarborough ended the 8 O’clock hour with an interview with presidential historian Jon Meacham where the duo went on to pompously and hypocritically wax poetic about the state of the country and how we should reflect on the situation we’re in regarding the January 6 hearings. And according to these two, we’re facing down the same dark forces that got humanity expelled from the Garden of Eden.

Teeing up Meacham for a tale about “what being a patriot is really all about,” Scarborough cited how “A lot of people talking, obviously, over the past few days about Cassidy Hutchison and her testimony on January 6 committee. This reminds of something I care a lot about. And that is something that happened I believe on June the 1st 1950, with a certain female senator from Maine.”

His hints were directed at Republican Margaret Chase Smith. She was known for her outspoken opposition to Senator Joseph McCarthy (R—WI). Meacham praised her “speech titled ‘The Declaration of Conscience,’ in which she said we can disagree about the goals of policy but we should not question each other’s motives.” “We cannot be un-American in that way,”Paraphrasing her critic of McCarthy, he said so.

For all his pontificating, Meacham, himself doesn’t live up to that ideal. In 2019, he said then-President Trump had a “totalitarian mindset.” And in 2020, he said Trump was dumber than his dogs.



Scarborough, despite the fact that Hutchison may not have told the truth about Trump’s alleged grab of the steering wheel in his limousine, took this opportunity to praise Scarborough and Rep. Liz Cheney(R-WY), calling them braver than Dwight Eisenhower.

Joe McCarthy was his critic. He could also criticize General Marshall, who tried to ruin the career and destroy the lives of his mentor. He refused to speak a word negative about him.

You said that you actively participated in the speech. It was just not possible. As many have struggled to get across Donald Trump, so too. Here, again, we have a strong lady. Again, you have Liz Cheney as well as Margaret Chase Smith.

Meacham’s comments about how it was possible to make things biblical began the process of becoming more normal. what we’ve been dealing with since the Trump years was the “perennial” “manifestation of the darkest forces in American life,” the same ones that “start in the Garden of Eden.” “It’s the will to power. It’s the putting of your own ambition and appetite ahead of anything else,” he said.

The preaching continued with Meacham invoking Scarborough and his religious upbringing and how we’re all sinners with the capacity for good:

Growing up Southern Baptist, you are a Southern Baptist. My family was Southern Episcopal. It is obvious that sin exists. A democracy, which is all that is left of humanity, is also going to be sinful. The reason that you have rule of law and commandments is because you want to be better. The entire company will fall if the owner doesn’t consent to the rules.

And he went on to argue that for all the faults of or Founding Fathers, specifically Thomas Jefferson, he was still “the man that wrote the words that have freed more people than any other political document in the history of humankind.”

Scarborough’s ability to forgive and nuance was unfortunately beyond his capabilities. Just 24 hours earlier, he was busy declaring the Republican Party was locked out of “deathbed conversions.”

These ridiculous opinions were possible thanks to lucrative sponsorships by Liberty Mutual and Purple. The following is their contact information.  

You can read the transcript by clicking here

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