Morning Joe Mute as Crist Calls His ‘Amazing’ Popularity a ‘God Thing’

Charlie Crist was a Republican. After that, he was an independent. Later, he became a Democrat. Now, the protean politician appears to be portraying himself as the candidate of the Party of God!

Crist was seen Wednesday. Morning JoeThe day after he was elected Florida Democrat gubernatorial primary winner, he said this: He was once asked by a reporter how he would handle Governor Ron DeSantis. Crist began by comparing DeSantis’ approval rating of 50 percent to the 72 percent Crist claimed to enjoy at one point during his tenure as governor (back when he was a Republican). Given the fact that co-hosts and husband/wife team Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski are away this week, the rest of the usual crew needs to kill time.



Crist called his “amazing” popularity a “God thing,” was certain it was a typo. Crist had to have claimed that it was a “It’s good thing.” No politician can be so arrogant as to say that his approval ratings are a God thing!

Amazingly, however, the video is remarkably clear. [at 1:30]It was revealed that “God thing”, exactly what Crist stated, was indeed the truth! That was not the only religious reference Crist included in his book:

  • In one place, Crist displayed their yellow wristbands ostentatiously. “It’s not about putting on others what you put onto yourself.” Willie: I always wear yellow wristbands. Every day, practice the Golden Rule.
  • Speaking of the late Congressman John Lewis, Crist recounted that Lewis said that Voting rightsIt is “so valuable, it’s almost indestructible” sacred,” Crist pointed Heavenward and stated, “godly.”” 
  • Crist stated that DeSantis is “on the battlefield of hatred.” I’m on the battlefield to love.You can have faith, hope, and love. Love is the most important of all. It can be found in Corinthians of the Bible. 
  • Claiming that DeSantis’ “turf” is making people hate each other,Crist declared, “I’m trying to get on another plane.” The heavenly Harps are here!
  • Crist closed his presentation by saying, This is the purpose of this campaign. Hate versus love. Our love is his hate. God’s love.”

Morning Joe Never resisted Crist’s religiosity. 

Crist tried to trick Floridians into believing he was wealthy. The panel also lost its ear. Crist stated that affordability was one of his main concerns at the start of the interview. He continued: “Try not to purchase a Florida house anymore. You can’t make it unless your a billionaire or millionaire. Use this site aren’t.”

Crist has a net worth of $1.9million according to his financial records. Ron DeSantis $318,000. 

As with his religious implications. Morning Joe Crist never challenged his misleading claim that he didn’t have a millionaire status, nor did he suggest that he is the candidate of God.

Morning Joe glossing over Crist’s claim that his “amazing” popularity as governor of Florida was a “God thing” was sponsored in part by SoFi, Facebook/Meta, and Allstate. The link contains their contact information.

The transcript is here. To read the transcript, click “expand”.

MSNBC’s Morning Joe
7:04 am EDT

WILLIEGEIST: Florida made news with the results of its primaries last night. Here with us, Charlie Crist (Democratic nominee for Governor), is joining us. Thank you, Congressman. We are grateful for your support. How did you do it? Which were your central concerns?


GEIST: – As you talked with voters out there

CRIST Talking about Roe v. WadeYou just spoke of a huge problem that is critically important.  Affordableness is a major issue in the Sunshine State. Property insurance in Florida is unbeatable. You can’t buy a Florida house unless you are a billionaire. Use this site aren’t.


7:05 a.m. ET

GEIST – As Congressman and Democratic strategists as well as some supporters don’t give you much time to be happy, you can see that. Look ahead to Governor Ron DeSantis. He has a $140million war chest for the general election. These are his hypothetical matches. Which Governor DeSantis matchup will you choose?

CRIST: Well, His popularity and approval score are often discussed., Willie. You’ve seen it lately? That’s what I am referring to. The last time I was there, it was about 50 percent, right?  Also, I have been governor before. As Governor of Florida, my approval rating was around 72 percent. This is 22 points more than he currently stands. He’s like a giant. You mean? That was Republicans, Democrats, Independents. We were doing right by the people. It was quite shocking. This was something people had never seen before. When that happens, however, It is an incredible thing. It is a God-given gift. When you do what is right for everyone, regardless of their race, wealth, or sexual orientation, and are not discriminating against anyone, it’s a sign that you care about people. He wants to destroy my state. He’s trying to tear my state apart. That is why I am running against him. He doesn’t have any money. It’s important that we have money. If you’d like to donate, please visit It’s so much more. It is about the values. Doing what is right for others is the essence of it. Doing unto others is the same as doing unto yourself.Willie, these are the yellow wristbands I use every day. Every day, practice the Golden Rule. Do the same to other people as you did to yourself.

MIKE BARNICLE – Hey Congressman. You mentioned in Florida, like it is in a lot of places. In general, the Republican Party has fought for restrictions to voting rights in many areas. It is my question where voting will be taken as the priority issue in your campaign to defeat the incumbent.

CRIST: Well, it’s Roe v. WadeIt’s also voting. It was an honor. God Rest his SoulJohn Lewis, Georgia. He was a national icon for civil rights and voting rights. Mike used to tell me, along with anyone else, that Charlie believed our right to vote was so vital. It’s precious. He spoke of it. It is so valuable, that it may be considered sacred [Crist points heavenward], godly. And he was right.


7:08 am. 7:08 am.

EDDIE GAUDE: Congressman Crist. This is Eddie Glaude. It’s clear to me how Governor DeSantis would like it. He’s also a culture warrior. He will fight in that area. He mobilises, exaggerates grief and resentment. What are you going to do? His critique of critical race theory. The don’t-say–gay stuff. It’s all the stuff he does. Which culture-war battle are you going to fight on?

CRIST: Eddie that is a great question. He is fighting for hate.The battlefield of love is my home. There is faith, hope, love. Love is the most important of all. It is in Corinthians of the Bible. Because I run on love and it always wins, I will beat him. He can run on hate and culture wars or dividing people and making them hate each other. That’s his turf. You’re on a completely different plane. It’s a completely different place. This is what Floridians should have. He’s torn apart my state, you know. Florida is gorgeous, everyone knows that. She needs to be reunited with me. This is the purpose of this campaign. Hate versus love. Our hate is his hatred. God’s love.

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