‘Morning Joe’ Hypocrites Accuse Right-Leaning Media of Whipping the Public ‘Into a Frenzy’

MSNBC’s Morning Joe This is dramatic as a Shakespeare play. Thursday’s broadcast was no exception when hosts Joe Scarborough, Mika Brzezinski, and guest Mike Barnicle tried to speak to the “cynical hearts” of their right-wing colleagues, hoping their passionate words would put an end to “brainwashing” right-wing “extremists.”

As always, Scarborough got this eye-rolling spectacle started by accusing right-leaning media outlets of trying to stand up for Trump despite knowing “he is guilty in their minds” and still spreading violence and lies.



It was then Morning Joe Mike Barnicle, staple Mike Barnicle, put aside his script and began to read his lines. He continued his monologue with his piece on the ex-presidential lefty-catering story by saying:

If you’re going to believe calamity is the future, if you’re going to believe that calamity is stronger than the roots, the patriotic roots of this country, then there’s something wrong with you. Because this country is strong enough to survive a lot. It’s already survived a lot, and we certainly ought to be able to survive Donald Trump.

They believe that, out of all the real threats to America’s people from Russia, China and anti-America terrorists they face, the greatest threat is from a single outspoken billionaire who enjoys golf.

To end her scene, Mika Brzezinski reached out to her “colleagues in this business” because “right-wing extremists and far-right websites are going to do what they are going to do, and they’re not going to hear this.”

She continued: “right when this peaceful search happens and twist it into an attack on America, and to go nuts and to cause people to feel that this was some sort of incredibly brazen attack on our country, on a former president, when you know what happened on January 6th, you saw it when you were begging him because you knew only he could put a stop to it.”

“Know this” and “know the truth,” she implored them. She even tried to get out of the line of fire by saying “I’m not saying he committed a crime, that’s not for me to say.”

MSNBC behaves like every leftie and reports only when there is a lot of right-wing agitation about something. Do they not remember all the riots caused by ANTIFA, crazy liberals, and even when they showed up and tried to assassinate U.S. Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh in the wake of Roe being decided? They also forgot to mention that Rachael Maddow, MSNBC’s avid Rachael Maddow watcher was the gunman at 2017 Congressional Baseball Practice. Or they don’t care at all about true reporting.

Liberty Mutual, Trivago and others made these lefty-dramatics possible. 

For the complete transcript, click “expand”.

MSNBC’s Morning Joe
August 11, 2022
Eastern, 7:10:45

MIKE BARNICLE: Everything he talks about roots around one thing, himself, and that’s the biggest difference and the biggest danger, I would submit, between now and anything that has happened in the past in this country. 

And to Jonah Goldberg’s ultimate point, you know, if you’re going to believe calamity is the future, if you’re going to believe that calamity is stronger than the roots, the patriotic roots of this country, then there’s something wrong with you. Because this country is strong enough to survive a lot. It’s already survived a lot, and we certainly ought to be able to survive Donald Trump who, each and every day, to the other point that you just made, has to be thinking that anyone who worked for him, who was close to him from Mark Meadows on down during his administration, is thinking, “hey, if they offer me a deal, I’m flipping.” 

MIKA BRZEZINSKI: So, right-wing extremists and far-right websites are going to do what they are going to do, and they’re not going to hear this, but to our colleagues in this business, in the cable news business, to jump on this, right when this peaceful search happens and twist it into an attack on America, and to go nuts and to cause people to feel that this was some sort of incredibly brazen attack on our country, on a former president, when you know what happened on January 6th, you saw it when you were begging him because you knew only he could put a stop to it. It was something you begged for him to do. When you know, you know the election was not stolen, okay? 

This is what you know. The truth is out there. You know what this former president has been trying to do—I’m not saying he broke the law, I’m not saying he committed a crime, that’s not for me to say, but you know that he instigated January 6th, that he wanted people to go to the capitol, that it turned ugly. And you know that even to this day, he talks about the election being stolen when it was not. 

[scoffs] To be criticizing the FBI, to be saying violent things about the FBI, to be saying the FBI crossed the Rubicon, you know you’re lying. And you know you’re instigating people to react in a bad way and to try and run to protect Donald Trump. You know you’re doing the wrong thing for America. You know what you are doing, and you should stop it. This is dangerous. 

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