Moore to the Point – Don’t Live Your Life Online – Opinion

Note: This “Moore to the Point” commentary aired on NewsTalkSTL on Monday, August 22nd. You can also hear the audio below.

I’m about to sound like a big fat hypocrite, but I’m going to say this anyway: Don’t live your life online. Yes, I’m saying this as I write out my next Moore to the Point commentary which I will then record so that it can air on NewsTalkSTL and form a companion written piece to publish at RedState, to then be shared…online. I say this as someone whose primary job is to edit and publish articles…online. I say this as someone who spends easily 75% of her waking life…online.

Hence, why am I saying this?

The handsome beau and I went to a wedding over the weekend – the daughter of friends. This was an informal, fun ceremony that was well-received by the guests. Smiles, laughter, joy. They were the people. Life and celebrating one of life’s greatest occasions.

It’s statistically improbable that everyone there shared the same views on politics – or most things. But it didn’t matter, because the point wasn’t to argue about differences or prove who was right or wrong. It isn’t that politics aren’t important – they are – but they’re a means to an end – ensuring that we live free and prosperous lives.

So it’s important to remember to actually do the living part.


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